•Himshey's bar•

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The object approaching obviously wanted to help Leafy out. They stuck their hand down the river, trying to fish her out.
Wait a minute.
She was dragged back up to the river bank and saw Ruby. The warm glow she saw was the orange lantern she brought with her as a light source.
That makes sense. Fi- oh no wait. He can't touch water.
Leafy: Oh. Uhh.
Ruby: Hi Leafy! Lollipop told me you were getting yoyleberries for Bubble so I came here to help yo- woah why do you look like that??
Leafy: I apparently had a 6 year old yoyleberry in my pocket so I ate it to avoid being blown away by the wind. Wait, how'd you fish me out so easily?
Ruby: Well… you were only about two feet underwater.
Wait. What? Only two feet???
Ruby: Anyway, can I join you???
Leafy: I kinda don't know you though?
Ruby: Oh shoot I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Ruby!! I'm Bubble's best friend buddy ol pal buddy friend amigo pal buddy ol friend pal buddy!
Wow. I thought I was Bubble's best friend.
Leafy: Oh you're her friend too! Well, I could use some company, so sure!
Ruby: Yayy!!!!

Meanwhile back at Goiky
Firey returned with a chocolate bar
Coiny: You. You were just buying chocolate?
Firey: Uh, yeah. Why?
Coiny: I kinda thought you were doing something else.
Firey: Like?
Coiny: Planning a marriage with-
Firey: No.
Coiny: -me.
Firey: Ew. Anyway, I have better things to be doing than talking to you, like eating chocolate.
Firey then attempted to unwrap the packaging on his Himshey's bar but failed because Firey is an idiot and doesn't know how to unwrap a chocolate bar.
Firey: Noo it's been 12 years and I still can't unwrap a chocolate bar! MATCH WHERE ARE YOUU UU UUUU
Coiny: In the EXIT.
Firey: Snowball?
Coiny: He looks like he's busy yelling at his team.
Firey: Waah!! I need this chocolate bar opened!!
Coiny: I sure do wonder who you could ask.

Back to Leafy and Ruby at… wherever they are
Ruby: Hey Leafy, how long have you been venturing?
Leafy: 3 months.
Ruby: 3 months???
Leafy: Yeah, it was pretty boring.
Ruby: You must be a really determined friend!
Leafy: Yeah. F- I mean. Uhh. Bubble is so cool! I think she really deserves those yoyleberries!
Ruby was obviously confused on the "F-", but didn't seem to pay mind to it.
Ruby: Well, I'm guessing you're hungry!!
Seriously? Why does nobody seem to understand that plants make their own food? I don't even need to-
Ruby dug into her bag of Cheetos
Ruby: Want some?

Back at Goiky
Firey: Sigh. Who?
Coiny: Me!!
Firey: No.
Coiny: I can't believe it how could you do this to me Firey I thought we had something special!!
Firey: Wow you said that way too loud

Haha got you!! You thought Firey was going to save Leafy!! Haha! Ha. Haha. cough. COUGH. CHOK E
Sorry to disappoint you Fireafy shippers, but there's no Fireafy here.
Now, will Coiny survive Pin's fury?
Will Leafy eat Ruby's Cheetos?
Find out next chapter!

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