•They exit the EXIT•

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Four's homemade ravioli stand was demolished by the rain
Four: No!! My ravioli!!!
Pin: Ha! Wait, where's Firey?
Tree: I don't know, but what I do know is that I can grow some very delicious lemons. Want one?
Pin: That's kinda gross, and no, but okay excuse me for a second I goTTA FIND FIREY SO HE HOPEFULLY DOESN'T DIIIEEE

Pin was looking through the forest, when all of a sudden she heard a cry for help in the far distance. It was an oddly familiar voice too.
The closer she got, the more obvious it became that it was Firey.
Pin: Firey?
Firey: AAAAA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Pin: Jesus christ. Do you need an umbrella?
Firey: A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Pin: Yeah, okay, I'm taking that as a yes.


Pin: What happened? Why were you out there?
Firey: None of your business.
Pin: Oh. Okay then. The Losers are over there if you want to join us with our cheesy breadsticks ritual.
Firey: Cheesy what?
Pin: Loser spread word about the cheesy breadsticks religion! He knows about it because of me and Lea-
Firey: Oh okay well I don't really care about it.
Firey got struck by some lightning and DIED (somehow)
Cheesy breadsticks god: That's what you get for disrespecting me.
Pin: Thanks God!
Cheesy breadsticks god: No problem B)

Meanwhile, wherever Leafy ended up
Coiny: NOOO the fire was put out :(
Leafy: What the fuck why are you sad about it??
Ruby: Can we go hommee
Leafy: I didn't get my yoyleberries yet though.
Ruby: Oh...
Leafy: Wait. I hate oranges so much to the point where my body is physically repulsed by them, so what if-
Coiny threw up an orange. Upon seeing that orange, Leafy was flung at least 5 miles away.
Ruby: How do we catch up with her though?
Coiny: Well, uhh, I can roll like a wheel to get there a little faster, I guess.
Ruby: But what about meeee???
Coiny: I have no idea.

Back at good ol Goiky
He recovered Firey just for him to get killed again by the rain
Then he recovered Firey again
And again
And again and again and again and again and
Needle: What if you just recovered him someplace where the rain can't get him?
Four: Oh.
He recovered Firey under what was left of his homemade ravioli stand
Firey: I kinda liked being dead better.
Needle: Why?
Firey: At least I didn't have to suffer with all this rain pouring down dangerously close to me.

Pin: HHEY I'm back-
Pin: I just realized something. How are you here? I thought you were in the EXIT.
Match: Four decided to, like, release all the EXITors, because he was, like, too sad to host anymore, or something.
Pin: Oh.
Firey: What. Why is there a tiny clone of me, and why is it so incredibly mean unlike me?
Firey: :(

And back to where Leafy was again, who's still in the middle of nowhere
Leafy: Okay, I'm EXTREMELY repulsed by oranges as you guys can tell, but neither of you can keep up with me for it to actually be a useful way to transport.
Coiny: What if we just clung onto you for dear life while also bringing along the orange?
Leafy: Yeah, okay, that could probably work if I could somehow steer us the right way.
Ruby: I'm- hhuf hungry. hhufff
Leafy: Hold on. What if we fed Ruby an orange?
Ruby: Ye- hhuf -s!
Leafy: Ooh, and there's a Walmart over there for whatever reason! I have the perfect plan!

Woahh is Leafy finally going to get to Yoyleland?
Also, as an apology for forgetting about this book for the 50th time, here's a long chapter!!

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