•Limited time•

307 10 1

Leafy: Sure, I'll take one!
Leafy dug her hand into the bag of Cheetos and took the tiniest piece she could reach.
Leafy: Hm. They're kinda…
Ruby: Amazing, right?
Leafy: …icky.
Ruby: Oh. Well, that's alright! I also brought lettuce in case you don't like junk food!
Why lettuce of all things?
Leafy: Well um uh err. I. I don't like lettuce.
Ruby: Well then, what do you eat?
Leafy: The Cheesy Breadsticks at Pizza Hut. They're sooo goooddd!!
Ruby: What's a "Pizza Hut"?
Leafy: It's a pizza place. I don't go there for pizza though, just for their cheesy breadsticks.
Ruby: Oh, and what's a cheesy breadstick like?
Leafy: Amazing.
Ruby: OhmygoshwaitithascheeseinitIneedtogothereIlovecheesesomuch
Leafy: Yeah, maybe we should go there one day!

Ruby: Wait, what's that?
A mountain with a giant metal pole on top of it could be seen from afar.
Ruby: Oh! Oh! Wait! That means we're close!
Leafy: No it doesn't.
Ruby: What?
Leafy: You can literally always see that mountain because it's that big.
Ruby: Oh…
Leafy: It's fine though, we can get there eventually!!
Ruby: Yeah!
Leafy: Maybe we should take a break though.
Ruby: Oh, wait, it's almost night. Okay then.
Ruby whipped out some sleeping bags she happened to be carrying for some reason

The pole seemed to fall down
Huh? Wh-

Something's wrong.

         .   zz

     zz .


      zz   .

       .    "Leafy!"
              zz  .
                     .   zz

              .  zz

           zz     .


     ‹  "LEAFY!!" ›


                         .  zz



       "Wake up!!"

Leafy: Gah!
Ruby: Leafy! You've been asleep for 10 hours!
Ruby: Actually it doesn't really matter since I hope we don't have a certain time period which we have to arrive to Yoyleland by.
Leafy: Oh. Right.
Ruby: Anyway, let's go!

Wow spacing out that out was so much fun!
Also, I wonder why Ruby packed everything except the one thing she needed most.

Leafy's AdventureOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant