•One word off•

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Lollipop: Pathetic. I thought plants had a sense of direction.

Insert something depressing here
Back to reality

Leafy: Well. Um. I. Uh. Err. Ee. Aa.
Golfball: Leafy, did something happen that caused you t-
Leafy: NAHH it's just I'm only a singular leaf and need to be attached to something else!!
Leafy: wait nO I WORDED THAT BADL-
Lollipop: Well then. I have more important things to be doing, like working on a fork repellent commercial. Much more important than you two… things. Toodles.

Golfball: So. Um. What do we do now?
Leafy: Wait a minute.
Golfball: What?
Leafy: So, maybe if I took this map
Golfball: mhm?
Leafy: and you did something to it to make it special like the old one I had
Golfball: yes yes and?
Leafy: then maybe I could-
Golfball: Oh wait I've been interrupting you sorry
Golfball: oh
Leafy: then maybe I could-
Golfball: sorry for interrupting-
Leafy: THEN MAYBE I COULD teleport to Yoyleland
Golfball: Hey, wait, I remembered. I have something I've been working on!

The two walked over to Golfball's secret laboratory
Golfball: Behold! My magimapifier 2000!
Leafy: That's kinda a weird name bUT COOL!!!!!!!
Golfball: So put your drawing of your map in this little slot…
She listened to Golfball's instructions
Golfball: …press the statements that apply to your map, and DONE!
Leafy: Woah! Does it actually work?
Golfball: Try it!
Leafy took a deep breath. Politely, of course.
Leafy: Blue Skidoo, we can too!
And it worked! Well, half worked. It didn't take her where she wanted to be.

Leafy: Did. Did I do something wrong??
Golfball: You pressed "warp to location imagined" and not "warp to location pointed", right? Because "warp to location pointed" isn't exactly accurate.
Leafy: Well… about that…

Oh no where are they?? Also I said I was going to take a break but then I got bored of not writing for some reason so here's your occasional dose of wtf

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