Chapter Seven ~ Sehun bought a dog!

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When I woke up and saw the time, my eyes popped out of my head.

I was two hours late to school. when I ran into the living room Sehun and Baekyun were playing with a dog in their pajamas.

"Wait what happened to school" I said and they raised their eyebrows at me.

"Today's a workday remember" Baekyun said and I mentally face palmed myself .

My home room teacher had told me yesterday. "Wait a second is that a dog" I asked and Baekyun nodded.

"My parents are going to Hawaii for vacation and wanted me to take care of him since they couldn't find a dog sitter".

"Aww what's his name" I asked as I scratched behind his ears.

"Rex" Sehun said while feeding him a biscuit for rolling over.

"Wow so original" I said while Rex began barking uncontrollably.

Suho was yelling from the hallway. "What is that noise" he said walking into the living room.

I was about to tease him for sleeping in but when Suho came in he was fully dressed and holding a book.

I frowned but his expression softened when he saw Rex.

He smiles and said "keep it down" before leaving.

Baekhyun, Sehun and me played with Rex for a while before making him breakfast.

D.O woke up and made us breakfast.

I helped D.O set the table and then called everyone to eat before sitting down to eat myself.

Rex was eating his own breakfast when I whistled so quietly that only Rex could hear.

Rex's ears perked up and he jumped on Chen.

Chen fell on the tile floor with a loud BANG before Suho and Lay helped him up.

"I wonder who taught him that" Sehun whispered and I knew he was implying how I did it.

"It was easy I taught him to jump on a picture of Chen so he would on the real Chen.

Sehun laughed and then said "how did you get a picture of him" he asked.

"He has a bunch in his room" I said frowning from the memory.

"Hey you want to walk Rex with me" he said and I nodded.

Once I finished my breakfast I changed out of my pajamas and put on a coat.

Thanksgiving break was coming up and it was COLD.

Sehun was waiting for me in the living room and he had a red leash on Rex.

We walked down to the lobby well we rode since we went on the elevator.

When we got to the lobby the doorman tipped his hat at us and we walked into the chilly November air.

We decided to take my car with the condition that Sehun would drive.

We went to the same park Chen and I went to and I shuddered at the memory.

Sehun parked us in the first row of cars and we got out with Rex.

I held Rex's leash while he took off full speed and dragged me with him.

"Rex Slow down" Sehun said laughing as Rex went straight to where the other dogs were.

Sehun followed us to where Rex was barking to another dog in a conversational tone.

A girl who was familiar looking was red faced from running stood by the dog.

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