Chapter Ten ~ Presentation Day

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"Okay so Mr.Young your telling me that we have to let strangers into our dorm for three hours so they can prepare us"
I said.

"I'm not a stranger" Mr.Young said ignoring me.

"Yeah but they are" I said punting to the short bald man who was our choreographer and the tall woman who was our designer.

"Well too bad" Mr.Young said walking away.

I stuck my tongue out while he turned his back.

Suho shook his head in mock disappointment.

I walked to the dance floor where Kai and Lay were practicing.

I sat down on the wooden floor criss cross applesauce.

"We don't have time to play around Sara" Kai said spinning around.

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to upset the ballerina" I said and Kai stopped dancing long enough to glare at me.

I went over to where Sehun was with- wait what Sehun is with Chen, this is new.

They were whispering and stopped when I approached.

I raised my eyebrows at them but went to find someone else to annoy.

"What the-" is the first thing I said when Kris and I walked into the dorm.

"Wow" I said as Kris grabbed my arm before I tripped and fell flat on my face.

I thanked him before changing in my room out of my school uniform.

The choreographer, Mr.Young and the weird designer lady had made a mess of papers and clothes if our dorm.

D.O was hastily cleaning while Luhan was making a mess all over again.

We were practicing and getting last minute touches on our clothes.

Once we all got quiet Mr.Young gave us the game plan.

He announced that we were going in a limo.

Where he got the money I don't know.

We were suppose to go backstage where everyone one else was and as head said many times would be the finishing act.

We all nodded and went back to our various practices.

We had practiced so much and so hard that we hadn't noticed that we had five minutes before we needed to get to school.

We ran down as fast as we could and got into the limo.

Mr.Young and the others two were in cars.

The driver didn't acknowledge us and we sat pretty comfortably.

"Well this is it" Mr.young said as we entered the Auditorium which had been decorated brightly.

We went backstage where Lydia practically jumped me!

She hugged and admired my simple dress before going to her own group.

We didn't get to see the groups perform from backstage but we could hear them and they were GOOD.

We were next and we were all nervous.

Sehun reached for my hand and squeezed and I squeezed back even though I was surprised by the gesture.

Suho gave us a pep talk that I hate to admit we really needed.

My heart was beating and I was counting each beat.

The Principal made our intro and said our names.

We walked onto stage and were on when the lights dimmed.

I was scared for Baekhyun, who had to sing first.

Then after the light came off Baekhyun then it was D.O and Chen.

Chanyeol began his rapping solo.

I counted each word he sang then he ended.

Suho and Sehun ask I sung we sung our hearts out before it was done and it moved onto Kris and Tao.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

We started to sing as a whole then needed our song when the lights went off completely.

There was silence. Then a burst of applause.

We got a syndicated ovation and I saw a lot of different companies clapping.

We all bowed then went off stage where Mr.Young was crying.

"Awe come on Young it's okay" Chen said.

Suho gave him some tissues and Tao gave him a much needed hug.

Mr.Young gave up s a speech about how wonderful we were.

Then some official looking guys in suits came and we steeped away.

We all cheered and gave each other high fives and hugs.

We went home after a while since we got tired.

Kim had come to congratulate me and so did the others.

We went home in-yup you guessed it the limo.

The limo caught a lot of attention but we didn't mind.

When we got home we dressed into our pajamas and went straight to sleep since tomorrow was Saturday.

Oh how I loved Saturdays.

This might be kind of a disappointment but you can atleast wonder who the dudes in the suits were.

Hope you liked it! ❤️

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