Chapter Eleven ~ Ditching School?

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"You know I think Suho has never done anything fun in his entire life" I said to Nara as we walked to History class.

"Well if you count doing extra credit fun" I snickered.

Nara glared at me as we entered our first class.

We sat down and I pulled out the poster Suho had helped me make.

I put it on the pile of other projects and went back to my seat.

We were having a Pop Quiz and this made Suho smile and I kicked him as I passed by to get the Quiz.

He frowned at me and so did Nara.

We took the quiz for the most part of class and then we went through some dead people who changed history.

After History I had Language Arts and that too was a bore.

D.O and Baekhyun had made it their job to make my life miserable.

They were only joking but would not SHUT UP!

So then I went to Math and Sehun was the only normal one the whole day.

"Bad day" he said as we partnered up to finish a worksheet.

"Yeah well Suho was being glad about a Pop Quiz and D.O and Baekhyun didn't know how to shut up" I said.

"Wow you always have the most interesting stories to tell" he said grinning.

I noted the sarcasm and punched him in the arm.

He laughed and a group of his da girls shot death glares at me.

I glared eighth back at them before I started blinking and lost our little staring contest.

After Math was lunch and let me tell you, boy was I glad.

I payed for my spaghetti and grabbed a water bottle.

I sat down where Suho was- yup you guessed it- reading.

Sehun was eating his lunch like a normal person.

Chen was trying an experiment of foods ,which trust me looked far from appetizing.

We talked about the Class we had next which was Mr.Young.

We were happy since he had been so impressed by our performance Friday.

We finished up our lunch and I went to my locker early to out my books away.

The bell had already rung so I went to class.

Suho and Sehun were already there.

I sat down and realized that the two were doing nothing.

And trust me if Suho was in a classroom he was always doing SOMETHING.

But no, Suho was tapping his foot impatiently.

When everyone arrived Mr.Young closed the door and shushed all of us.

"So what's on the agenda today Young" I said.

"Actually Sara I think you'll like what we are doing today" Mr.Young replied.

"I doubt it" I replied and Mr.Young ignored me.

"Well since you all did so well on Friday today we are........." he trailed off.

"We are sneaking out of school" Mr.Young whispered and we all gasped.

"Absolutely Not!" Suho said standing up.

"Oh pipe down Suho it will be fun" Mr.Young said and Suho slunk back down into his seat.

"Okay so I have everything planned out".

We followed Mr.Young down the hall so quietly you could hear a pin drop.

We waited until he told us that the coast was clear.

We got into the parking lot and this time we led Mr.Young.

We got into the backyard that was fenced away from the rest of the school.

It was where people smoked be sold drugs from the nearby public high school.

"So where would you all like to go" Mr.Young asked.

I smiled and looked around at the guys who were all smiling and I knew they were thinking the exact same thing.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" The screaming coming from around me where very loud.

I was riding with Mr.Young on the biggest roller coaster in the entire amusement park.

This was the last roller coaster we went on before we drove back to school.

"That was awesome thanks Mr.Young"

He nodded still throwing up on his barf bag.

I laughed as we entered back into the school
So how was it hope you enjoyed it and sorry if it was too short but It just came to mind when I was writing it.

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