Chapter Twenty Eight ~ Sara's Gone?

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"Yes I understand" Kris was talking into his cell phone.

"Ooooh who are you talking to" Luhan asked Kris.

"The Agent from SM" Kris said ending the call.

"Suho was just talking to him too" D.O said from the kitchen.

"Yeah did Suho tell you what he said?" Kris said.

"No what" D.O asked "the Agent wants us to go to the company tomorrow and move into the new apartment" Kris said.

"Aww we don't get to travel" Xuimin asked disappointedly.

"No the companies right here in Korea" Kris said.

"So we should start packing?"
Chen asked.

Kris nodded while Suho appeared.

"You got the call?" Kris asked.

Suho nodded and went back to rely the message so everyone else could pack.

"Hello?" Suho said picking up his phone.

"Suho!" It was Sara "I'm in Japan"
She said excitedly.

"Yeah today's Sunday" Suho said smiling.

"It is and tomorrow I start singing" she said and a stab of pain went through Suho.

It wasn't the same without Sara.

"That's good hey listen I got to pack so we can move into the apartment SM set up for us so I will talk to you later".

"Okay bye!" She said cheerfully turning off the phone.

Suho heard Luhan shout something and went to see what he wanted.

"What's wrong?" Suho asked since everyone was gathered in the living room.

"Where's Sara?" Luhan said "she's probably in-" Kris was cut off.

"No I checked with Luhan she's not anywhere" Chen said.

"Umm guys?" D.O said from the kitchen.

"D.O if this is about what your making for lunch then-" D.O cut Kris off.

"Look what I found" D.O said waving a piece of paper in the air.

"It's a letter" Suho said as him and Kris held half and half of the paper.

The Letter was from Sara,it read:

You guys are probably wondering where I am but you won't find me so don't try.
This year with you all has been amazing.
To be honest I hated you guys before but I changed my mind when I got to know all of you.
Suho wasn't a nerdy jerk.
Sehun wasn't a heartless bitch
Luhan wasn't a guy with a huge ego
Kris wasn't that serious
Xuimin wasn't that much of a baby
Chen wasn't that much of a jerk
Kai didn't think he was better then everybody
Tao didn't spend all his time in front of the mirror
D.O didn't put that much gel in his hair
Lay wasn't mean at all but actually a very nice person
Baekhyun didn't wear that much guy liner
Chanyeol was really a happy virus
You guys were the best that ever happened to me and I hope you are successful without me
and if your wondering why I didn't say goodbye
it's because it was less painful.
That one picture we took with all of us is something I will never lose and I hope you don't either.
I will miss you all

-Sincerely Sara

"What that's it" Chen said "she didn't even say goodbye" Luhan said sadly.

"She doesn't need us anymore" Sehun said playing along although he knew where Sara was.

"We don't need her" Suho said in an angry voice winking at Sehun but feeling guilty.

"Y-y-you don't mean that" Xiumin stuttered.

"I do" Suho said nodding.

"If she can forget us we can forget her" Sehun said biting his lip.

"I guess" Luhan said walking away with his shoulders slumped.

"But Sehun you were-" Chen was cut off with a glare from Sehun.

Sehun had told Chen his feelings for Sara but he wasn't prepared for all his friends to know yet.

"Okay well we should pack were leaving in the afternoon" Sehun said leaving.

"Right" Xiumin said following Kris to the hallway.

Once they all packed they headed to their own cars taking their car keys off the thirteen hooked ornament nailed to the wall.

To see one of the hooks empty sent a sharp pain through the serious and no emotion showing Kris.

"Ok come on" Kris said.

"Wait lets just say goodbye I mean we spent a whole school year here it's just feels weird to leave" Tao said.

Kris nodded and tapped his foot impatiently while his eleven friends said 'goodbye' to the dorm.

They walked to the parking lot with six going down the elevator and six going down the stairs.

It felt weird to be in even groups of two Kris had gotten use to thirteen.

Once they reached the parking lot, Suho and Kris instructed the others to follow their cars so they would learn where the studio and apartment was.

"Well hello!" The man said as they entered the studio.

They walked to the waiting room but didn't even wait because before they had a chance to sit down they were led down the hall by a guard.

Once we entered the spacious room we were greeted by the agent.

They all bowed to him who bowed back.

"Well today I have come to discuss your careers" he said seating is at a table with him at the head.

"Alright here is a list of songs and albums" he said passing out the papers.

Some of the songs were called:
And a lot more.

"Oh and I have thought of the best band name for you all!" He said excitedly.

"You ready for it" he said and they all nodded.

"EXO!" He yelled.

"Exo" Suho and Kris said trying out the name.

"I like it" Baekhyun said and a murmur of agreement went through 'EXO'.

"Okay you know where the apartment is and tomorrow we will asses your voices and assign roles separate you all" he said.

"Separate?" Chen asked.

"Into EXO M and EXO K as in one in Mandarin and one in Korean" he said and they all nodded.

"Okay well I will see you all tomorrow" he said and EXO bowed and left.
Okay so this is the second to last chapter :( but I hope you enjoyed it and wait for the Epilogue!

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