Chapter Twenty Two ~ Promotion

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Okay so Fast Forward and it is now the last week of school lets say it's Wednesday Ok?
"Luhan that's stupid" I said as we tried to guess who the men in suits were during lunch.

"Well if Mr.Young's not telling us then it's something important" Chen said.

Luhan guessed that they were some agents from companies promoting us as professional singers.

We laughed at the thought thinking it was absurd.

"Fine laugh but when Mr.Young says I'm right then I'll be the one laughing" Luhan said crossing his arms stubbornly.
"Another important announcement" I said as we walked into Mr.Young's class.

"Yes and you guys will be very happy about this one" Mr.Young said.

So once the bell rang for class to start Mr.Young clapped his hands to quiet us.

"Alright so raise your hand if you intend to get a job after this year is over" Mr.Young said.

We all raised our hands and MrYoung smiled.

"Well I have good news" he said and we all leaned forward in our seats.

"Well you were wondering who those men in suits were" Mr.Young said and we all nodded enthusiastically.

"Well they were agents" Mr.Young said.

"So like spy agents like the ones one TV or no the double agent that work for two people and-" Mr.Young cut Chen off.

"No these agents are the kind that promote singers for companies for example SM Entertainment" Mr.Young said.

"And they would like to promote you all as a group" Mr.Young said.

We were quiet for a moment and then everyone cheered well that is except for me.

Sehun squeezed my hand and I smiled my best smile even though it was fake.

"So um why were they talking to you at the um presentation" I asked.

"They wanted to promote you then but I thought it wouldn't be fair for you all and that you need to be able to finish this year and honestly at that time you all weren't ready" Mr.Young said.

"Right that makes sense" I said nodding.

We all celebrated and at the end of class Mr.Young handed Suho and Kris business cards with the agents numbers since they were the 'responsible ones'.
I thought about what Mr.Young had said and went into the living room where Kris was reading a book.

"Um hey Kris" I said and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"What do you want, money, help on homework, advice" Kris said and I glared at him.

"You say it like you know I want something from you" I said.

"You do don't you" Kris said and I nodded.

"Could I have the business card with the Agents number on it?" I said and Kris said "its on my bed" and I hurried to his room.

When I got there I was suprised to see his room neat and orderly and the only thing on the bed was the business card.

So I picked it up and went to my room.

I dialed the number and waited while the call went through.

"Hello?" The voice was deep like Chanyeol's but more serious like.

"Umm I'm Sara Chang" I said "Oh Sara how are you!" The voice said.

"I'm good and I wanted to schedule a meeting" I said and the Agent gave me an address which I wrote down.

I said goodbye and Put the address in a safe place before letting out a frustrated breath.

I tried to think how'd I tell them this or rather who would I tell?
So those are who the Men In Suits were! Try to guess what happens next even though it's very unpredictable but that's the fun of it!

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