Chapter Thirteen ~ One Month Left of School

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Sorry I fast forward so much but I was thinking that I couldn't write out the entire year.
"Ahhhh Boys you know what today is" I said brightly as I poured myself a bowl of cereal.

"Our History test day" Suho said smiling.

"No and that reminds me I need to study" I said.

Suho frowned at me before I continued.

"There's only one more month left of school!This Month!" I said happily.

"And then a summer full of studying" Suho said dreamily.

"You do know this is the last year of High School right" I said.

"Yeah well it's called college Sara" Suho said.

"Well you can become a singer, you don't need grades for that" I said.

Suho ignored me as I ate my breakfast.

After I finished I grabbed my book bag and car keys and headed to the parking lot to drive to school.
"Mr.Young Hey!" I said cheerfully as I entered the classroom.

"Good afternoon Sara" Mr.Young said as he continued grading papers.

I sat down as Sehun came in who have me a dazzling and blinding smile.

I pretended to put on sunglasses but he ignored me.

We sang a couple songs before Mr.Young let us loose.

Next Chanyeol and I had Biology.

Our teacher was so bitter and always got mad at me for no apparent reason.

"Alright class take your seats" she said

"Pull out your notebooks and turn your textbook to chapter twenty three and take notes for the rest of class, you may talk softly" she said and walked away.

I shrugged and opened my textbook.

Chanyeol and I had mastered the art of writing without looking so we were having a staring contest while taking notes.

The bell rang right when Chanyeol blinked and I celebrated my victory.

We reached the parking lot and drove home.

I was bored and was sweating and since I had no homework I changed into shorts and a tank top.

I went into the living room where Sehun was and grabbed my keys.

"Sehun come on I want ice cream".

"Now" Sehun asked.

"No next year" I said sarcastically and grabbed his arm before dragging him out the door.

"Fine but we're taking my car" Sehun said and I groaned before he pulled out his keys.

"Alright fine" I said getting into his black jeep.

He smiled and we drove to the parlor we had gone to in November.

"Hmmmmm" I said as I looked at the menu.

"I want a banana split with chocolate syrup, sprinkles and a cherry" I said and the waiter took our order.

As we waited a girl walked in and Sehun's back was to her but she could still see him and was staring at him.

She frowned at me and walked over.

I kicked Sehun as she approached and he was about to protest when he saw her.

"Hey Sehun" her voice was full of venom and Sehun didn't dare look her in the eye.

"How've you been" she said twirling a price of hair around her finger.

"Mai go away" he said. "aww is that how you treat your ex girlfriend" she said.

I looked back and forth between the two and for some reason my eyes stung.

I don't know why and figured It was because the cook was cutting onions.

But then I realized we were in an ice cream parlor.

Then I pinched myself but the sting wasn't going away.

Then O didn't know why and then in that moment I realized something.

I was jelous.

No I wasn't I told myself. that's like when I thought I had liked Chen but we had quickly told each other that we were nothing more than friends.

I didn't like Sehun, couldn't like Sehun.

"Mai-" Sehun began but Mai cut him off.

"Sehun your a selfless jerk and told me you loved me but no now your here whoring around with this slut" she said glaring at me.

I stood up making a fist with my hand.

"What did you just call me?" I said angrily.

"Sara" Sehun said and I ignored him.

The waiter had arrived and I took my banana split and threw it in Mai's perfect little face.

She gasped as she looked down at herself

The waiter began laughing uncontrollably.

Then Sehun started laughing and that set me off.

"Your gonna pay for this" she said before walking away and out of the restaurant.

Sehun and I were laughing as we went to his car.

The waiter had offered us a free banana split for me but I refused it.

"Who was she anyway" I asked.

"My girlfriend from last year" He said.

"But I've never seen her at our school before" I said confused.

"That's because she goes to an all girls school" he said.

I nodded and didn't push the matter as we got home.

When we got inside then Luhan was watching TV.

"Oh hey guys Sehun come sit down our favorite show is on" he said and Sehun sat down beside him while I went to my room to call Nara.

There was a ring at the doorbell and I jumped to get it.

Chanyeol was already getting an unlabeled box out from the hallway.

"No Chanyeol don't open that" I yelled and grabbing the box.

"Why not" he asked pouting, I ignored him and went to the window where sure enough Mai was standing with new clothes on in the parking lot.
She was tapping her foot impatiently

"Oh god" Sehun said a he joined me at the window.

Chanyeol and Luhan came too.

"Hey Sehun isn't that your ex" Luhan said.

Sehun ignored him a she saw me drop the box out the window making it fall on top of Mai.

The box went straight through her head since the cardboard wasn't strong.

Its contents splattered all over her and around her.

"Oh that's cold" Luhan said and Sehun smiled.

"Warily is that pie, phew you saved my life Sara" Chanyeol said.

"I told you and your welcome" I said before going back to my room.

This is going to be a long month a I thought as I lay on my bed.
Hope you liked it!

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