Chapter Twenty Five ~ Telling Sehun

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I wasn't sure when I was going to tell Sehun.

I finally decided to tell him when we got home Thursday.

While I was at lunch Suho sat beside me again.

Suho poked me in the ribs.I slapped his hand and he grinned.

"So are you telling him or what" Suho said.

"I'll do it later okay?" I said.

"Okay" he said then began eating his food.

So once the guys went to play football I sat down beside Lydia.

"Hey" I said and they chorused a greeting back.

"Well guess what" I said smiling.

"I'm going to Japan to become a solo singer and am leaving Saturday" I said while my friends slowly started to smile.

"That is so AWESOME!" Hae-Won said smiling.

"So so we get to be VIP guests or what?" Kim said smiling.

"Of Course" I said smiling. "So can we at least drop you off at the airport"Hyori said.

"Er no Sehun and Suho are already coming with me but I'll visit your dorm before I leave" I said and my friends nodded.

I was about to open my mouth to say something but the bell rang and I hurried to get my things.

"Hey guys lets go see this movie" Suho said holding a flyer winking at me.

"Oooooo I love that movie!" Luhan yelled jumping up.

Everyone jumped up excitedly while Sehun stayed where he was.

"I hate that movie" Sehun said frowning.

"Well you'll just have to stay home" Suho said grabbing his car keys and the guys followed him out.

I smiled as I realized Suho had done it on purpose so I could tell Sehun.

Sehun got up to go to the kitchen and I followed him.

He got a glass and opened the fridge door looking for orange juice.

I shoved him aside and pulled the Orange juice out from the very back.

"Thanks" he said pouring himself some.

"Sehun I need to tell you something" I said while he leaned on the footer next to the sink.

"What that your madly in love with me" he said smiling.

"You wish lover boy" I said grinning.

"No really" I said turning serious.

"Right go on" he said.

"Okay so I umm.........." I trailed off and took a deep breath.

"ImgoingtoJapanonSaturdaytobeasolosingerandimleavingKorea" I said and Sehun stared at me.

He put his hands on my shoulders.

"Alright Sara breathe" he said.

I took a deep breath "Okay I'm going to Japan to become a solo singer and I'm leaving Korea" I said slowly and clearly.

Sehun's cheeks were puffed out from the Orange juice that was in his mouth.

He turned away from me and spit all of it in the sink like they did on TV.

"Your What!" He yelled wiping his mouth with his sleeve.

"Really?" Sehun asked in a whisper.

I felt bad and nodded. "Do I at least have the honors to be at the airport?" He asked.

"You and Suho" I said smiling.

Sehun held out his arms for a hug and I accepted it.

"Sara Your going to have the best last two days in Korea ever" he said hugging me tightly.

"I hope I have one to remeber" I whispered back.

Once Sehun let go he said "your not going to tell anyone else are you?" He said and I nodded.

"The pain will be easier for them and me" I said and Sehun nodded

"Well like I said your having the best last two days in Korea ever, so be prepared" he said leaving the kitchen.

I saluted him "Aye Aye Captain"
Sara's leaving! :( what do you think will happen next? Sorry for not updating yesterday I was tired and fell asleep but here's the next chapter so hope you Enjoy!

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