~My Cherry Cola~

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SONG: Cherry Cola-Kuwada

TITLE: ~My Cherry Cola~ 

Hey Everyone! So, first chapter getting back into it, this may be a little different but I honestly kind of like this writing better? Tell me what you think, if you guys really like the old way I did it let me know in the comments!! See you at the end of the chapter sunshine's! Enjoy~!

-Narrator POV-

It's been two years.

And a lot has changed.

And to be honest there was a lot of it that they thought was major.


But now it all looks so major.

You know what, let me just get to the point here.

I'll just tell you how it is right now.

Garroth and Laurence are basically engaged at this point. One of them just has to pop the question, and sure they've had their ups and downs, but ultimately, they've been able to strive through it.

Travis and Zane have had it a little rough, after Zane went back to school, he still comes home often. Well as often as he can I suppose.

Dante and Vylad have had it the worst. They... haven't talked much. It's been a while since they really talked about what happened. And I don't think I could explain it either.

Anyhow, there's not much for me to explain, not much that they won't tell you I mean.

All that's left is to sit and read on. 


I watched things go by.

Staring out the window, counting the houses as I stared at them. Streets started blending together as I thought.

Not really about one thing, about a few different things, actually. At first it was just about the little things, the way the tops of houses moved up and down, zigzagging up and down, guiding my line of sight.

Then I was thinking about lines.

About directions.

The way things move so simply, and yet everything is still so complex.

No matter how many houses I passed, I would follow the way the tops of the houses flowed. And yet, in every house was a different story, there were people living lives that didn't even exist to me.

I wonder what bits and pieces I miss constantly.

Because you tell me I know all that I need to but something isn't adding up.

Is it bad that I think about that a lot?

About what happened to you before I knew you, because once upon a time those electric green eyes were strangers to mine. And that white hair was just another head among the crowd.


I was snapped out of my own thoughts and brought back to reality.

I was sitting in the living room of Garroth and Laurence's house. I looked up at them from my spot on the couch, also seeing Vylad resting comfortably in an arm chair, waiting for my response.

"What?" I asked.

Garroth sighed and restated the question I had just missed. "Who's better, Beyoncé or-"

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