Chapter 4

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Dixies POV

I knocked on Addison's door. There was no reply. So I went downstairs and set my phone up for a tik tok. I found the audio and had it ready.

That's when Addison came up behind me. "Dixie is something wrong?" She asked. The worry in her voice made my heart break a little. Now I really felt bad but I was about to make it better.

I turned and hugged her. I whispered in her ear, "no I'm fine. But I need you in this tik tok." "Ok?" She said a little confused. But she fixed her hair and shirt none the less. "What is it?" "You have to guess, then go along. That's the point." I was starting to get nervous but I had to go through. "Ok sure."

She stood a little behind me but still in frame. I set a timer and stood in front of the camera. Then the audio started and I took a breath.

🎶 I like- 🎶

Addison started dancing singing I like big boys itty bitty boys. But the next word caught her off guard.

🎶 girls! And all I really want is girls! 🎶

I saw Addison freeze in the shot. She was silent for a minute before looking at me. I smiled through the front facing camera. "Are you serious?" She asked shocked. I turned and nodded. She practically dove into my arms and hugged me so tight.

The music kept going then finished before she finally pulled away. "Dixie" she sobbed. I didn't know I would make her cry. "Hey hey, it's ok. I get it if it's weird. You don't have to be ok." I said wiping her tears.

"Dixie! It's not weird. I'm so happy for you. Thank you for telling me." She sobbed again. I smiled and hugged her again.

"Did you tell anyone else?" She asked looking me in the eyes. How come her face was still so pretty even after crying?

"Just Charli." "I have so many questions!" She laughed. Here we go again I thought.

But I stood there and answered all her questions and truthfully. Well except one.

"Do you like a girl right now?"

"No." I lied.

Addisons POV

I couldn't believe it. But looking back it made so much sense. Dixies whole personality and her humor and everything just made more sense. She liked girls. I was glad she told me but I had a feeling she had lied to me. So now I was looking for Charli.

She would tell Charli the truth right? I hoped so. That's when I found her lying on her bed. "Hey," I started, sitting down. "Hey?" She answered. I could tell she knew about Dixie but didn't want to spoil it. "I heard about Dixie." I smiled.

"Oh good. I was starting to get nervous." She giggled. "Yeah, but I had some questions. I don't know what she told you, but" I stopped for a second. "But what?" She inquired. "Sorry I'm being nosy. But she said she didn't have a crush on someone. How could she be sure she liked girls without a crush?" I asked.

"I'm not sure how it works, but I know she-" Charli clamped a hand over her mouth. "Ah Charli! What?" I was desperate. "Fine, Dixie does have a crush on someone." "A girl?" I asked. "Yes." She sighed in defeat.

So Dixie had lied to me. I wonder why?

A/N. Ok that was kinda short but we are almost there. I had to set this up a little. Next chapter will be Addison finding out that Dixie likes her.

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