Chapter 30

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AN lmao how have I written 30 chapters wth I can't even write a 30 word essay 💀

Dixie POV
"Babe I'm finna break my neck." I said nervously as Addison and I stood in my yard.

Addison laughed her cute obnoxious laugh that I loved. "Stop you're fine. I got you." She reassured me as she placed one hand on my back and another on the back of my legs.

She was currently trying to teach me to do a backflip after I spend all morning trying to teach her a single trick on a bike. And now she was getting me back for the gash on her elbow from when she fell over the front of the handle bars.

"I can't my mouth still hurts." I lied as I tried to get out of it. "Dixie that was a week ago." She sighed. Addison had basically moved into my house after my mom wouldn't let me go back to the hype house alone since Bryce was there "getting his stuff".

In reality he had been trying for 3 days to get his clout back and begging on his knees to have Thomas make him a member. But at least it meant more time with my girlfriend.

She let out a long sigh and crossed her arms. "Are you gonna stop being a pussy and frickin do it or not?" She said matter of factly. I could tell she was losing patience since she started swearing.

I groaned. "Can you just show me one more time?" I pleaded and she rolled her eyes. "Ugh actually one more or are you gonna make me do it another 200 times? Dixie come on it's been like an hourrrr." She groaned and I just smiled weakly.

"Do it." I said and Addison rolled her eyes playfully as she backed up a little. Then with basically no effort she squatted down, swung her arms, jumped and tucked in a blur of hair and clothes before landing and sighing again.

I smirked and she giggled. "Baby oh my gosh please just try it." She said and I sighed. "Fine I'm ready." She squealed and came back over and placed her hands on me again. "Ready, 1,2,3 GO!" She called out as I squatted and swung my arms only to stand up forcefully and never leave the ground.

"God damnit!" Addison laughed as she dropped to the ground. "I'm sorry! It's fucking terrifying! You couldn't land a jump on the bike!" I protested and her jaw dropped.

"Yeah well at least I tried! Hello?!" She said as she pointed to her bruised and bandaged elbow. I groaned. "Okay fine I'll do it!" I said and Addison sighed as she stood up.

"Seriously?" She asked and I kissed her. "I'm as serious as Hawaiian pizza is gross." I said and she giggled. "Well that's debatable but I'll take it." She said as she put her hands back again.

"Can you even hold me?" I asked nervously again. "Yes Pixie you are like the size of my actual thigh." She said exasperated. "Come on now you're being ridiculous." "1!" She called and I sighed as I got ready.

"2!" "Can't I like do it on a mattress or something?" I pleaded desperately as my anxiety jumped. "3!" I set my jaw and focused on everything Addison had told me. Jump high, swing my arms and most importantly don't forget to tuck.

"Go!" She yelled. I grunted as I leapt up and swung my arms before grabbing at my knees and tucking. I felt Addisons strong grip as she helped spin me and I untucked as my feet hit the grass. But they slid out from under me and I slipped back and landed forcefully on my ass.

"Ugh!" I groaned as I grabbed my butt and rolled out on the grass. "Shit!" Addison called as she came and knelt next to me. "Are you ok?" She asked. My butt throbbed and I knew it would hurt for a few days, I've fallen on my butt too many times to know that I would end up being fine. "Yeah I'm ok." I said as I got up and Addison followed me.

"Ok ready for attempt 2?" She asked. "What!?" I yelled and she started laughing. "We can stop if you want." She giggled and I nodded quickly. "Yes, I'm gonna call that a success." I said as she gave me a high five.

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