Chapter 24

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Dixie POV

My mind was whirling. What the fuck was wrong with Bryce? He always had to ruin everything. And Addison. Had she really cheated on me? I had no idea what to think anymore. And oh god Charli.

I could only pray that she wasn't dead or hurt or scarred. And I could only pray that our parents hadn't found out yet or anyone else since we would be dead.

I hopped in my car and quickly headed to the Sway House. Once I got there I hopped out and was immediately hit with the flashing party lights and booming music. The stench of alcohol and sweat was thick as I pushed my way through the crowd looking for anyone. Then I bumped in Ondreaz.

"Hey Dix! Didn't know you were coming." He yelled over the noise. "I'm here for Charli where the fuck is she!" I yelled back. He held up his hands.

"Geez I don't know. Relax we can find her." He said looking around. "Wait there's Madi. I know she was with her a while ago." He said pointing me in the direction. I thanked him before pushing my way to Madi. I ignored all the guys calling my name and the cat calls as I finally made it over.

"Dixie! Thank god do you have Charli?" She asked me worriedly as she held her phone to her ear. I frowned. "No I was about to ask you." I said and we both sighed.

Both our phones lit up with an update from Bryces story.

"I mean everything! Including my virginity!" My poor sister yelled through the camera. I frowned. "What is wrong with Bryce?" I thought out loud.

"He had this whole plan to get Charli drunk and blackmail you guys so you and Addi would break up and he could get her back. That's what Griffin told me, but Griffin said he refused to help Bryce." My mouth hung open.

"Are you kidding? He can't just get over her!" I yelled as I crossed my arms. I guess if Bryce was still trying to win Addison back then she wasn't with him after all. Great that makes everything more shitty since now I was mad at Addison for no reason.

"Let's keep looking." Madi said pulling me out of my thoughts. I nodded and we headed off. After bumping into people and getting bombarded with drinks I finally saw someone that could help.


"Vani!" Madi called as we approached. "Oh my god! Do you have her?" Avani pleaded as she walked to us. We all frowned and said no. "Damnit! This is all my fault." Avani said as she rubbed her eyes. "What do you mean?" I asked.

She sighed. "Well I saw Charli taking her shirt off for Bryce so I ran over and realized she was wasted. So I yelled at him and brought her to the kitchen to get water but I turned around and she was gone again. I'm such an idiot! I'm a horrible girlfriend!" Avani yelled and Madi soon comforted her.

"Look Avani it's not your fault. We'll find her okay. But we should split up." I said and they nodded before turning away. I turned and headed to the kitchen where I was met by no other than Griffin.

"Dix! Hey I'm so sorry! I know about Charli and I wanted no part!" He called as he walked over to me. I rolled my eyes. At least he was sober. "I know Griff. You didn't want to help Bryce get her drunk and stuff. But that doesn't stop that it all happened." I said.

But Griffin shook his head. "No sure I didn't want to help with that but, Bryce came to me a little while ago and told me he had Charli in his room upstairs. He offered a double fuck on her Dix and I told him not to and we started arguing but then he came at me and I-"

He looked away. "You what Griffin!" I yelled. No way Charli was about to get raped. "I got scared okay! I'm a pussy and couldn't hold up to him so he said to just leave him alone." Griffin huffed. At least he was honest.

"Are you serious? You said she's upstairs right?" I asked as I headed for the stairs. "Yeah." He called after me. On my way up I sent a text to Madi saying to meet up in Bryces room.

I didn't have to look for too long because I could hear him yelling over the sound of the music. I walked up to his door prepared to kill him for yelling and hurting my sister but I stopped.

"No Bryce! Come on are you kidding! What is wrong with you!?"

Addison? I wondered. How could she beat me here? I risked a peek through the door and saw her yelling at Bryce, with him without a shirt on and Charli out cold on the bed.

"Come on Addi.. fine. You're a dyke right? Double fuck Charli with me then." He said lowering his voice. I watched intently and was shocked when Addison slapped him. "Hell no! Let her go Bryce!" She yelled.

Bryce stood back and thought for a moment. "Alright I will. But only if you fuck me instead." Addison was about to say no then hesitated as she looked at Charli. I could tell they had been arguing a while and she just needed a way out. She sighed deeply and my heart dropped.

"Fine. But only if you promise me you will let her go. AND you will delete everything you posted and make a video saying it was a lie and you apologize AND after this one fuck you agree that we are done Bryce. I'm over you and you need to get over me okay?" Addison asked. Bryce rolled his eyes and frowned but nodded.

"Okay." He said. Addison frowned. "Promise me!" She yelled. "Fine! I promise okay? This is the last time?" He finally said. Addison sighed again as she watched Bryce move Charli off the bed and put her on the floor.

I watched in horror as he walked back over and tried to take of Addisons shirt. She moved away. "Don't touch me!" She yelled as she took off her shirt herself. "That's gonna be hard, you're just as perfect as I remember." Bryce mumbled as he moved closer.

I squeezed my eyes shut and saw red. I took a deep breath and ran into the room smashing the door open and I watched as they both turned to me. I ran straight to Bryce and tackled him with all my weight as we landed on the ground with a thud.

"Dixie!" Addison called but I ignored her. I grit my teeth together and swung with all my might at Bryces shocked face, my fist making contact. It hurt like hell but I couldn't stop. I dug punch after punch into his jaw, nose, mouth and eyes as he started to bleed.

It was all a blur as I soon felt strong arms around me and I looked around to see Madi holding a crying Addison in the corner and Avani and Ondreaz holding Charli. I looked up and saw Troy and Griffin holding me while Thomas helped Bryce. I yelled and punched but calmed down as Bryce got up, spit and stalked out.

I quickly panicked though, knowing he would find a way to get us back, but then I looked over to see Thomas holding Bryces phone. "Don't worry. I'll have all the stuff cleared out and make sure I address it. Just get home guys." Thomas said as he rubbed his eyes.

Soon enough we were back at home and I was washing Bryces blood off my hands as I listened to Charli's light snores in her bed. I looked at myself in my mirror and watched as Addison appeared and stood in the doorway. I looked down and she sighed.

"Look, Dix, I really didn't want to. And nothing had happened between us I swear." She said as I heard her voice crack. My heart cracked with it and I turned and rushed to her, hugging her close.

"I know." I whispered as she hugged me back and cried into my neck. I stroked her hair. "I know, you were trying to help Charli, I was listening. And I know you didn't cheat baby. I'm sorry." I said as she sniffled.

"I'm sorry too Dixie. I'm sorry that any of this had to happen. If only I was never with Bryce." She cried. I frowned as I hugged her tighter. I knew Bryce was someone that would never go away, in any of our lives. But I hoped this was the last time he ever tried to hurt us. "It's not your fault Addison. Okay? Now let's get some sleep."  I said as we walked out of my bathroom and laid in my bed for a change.

We both silently agreed to stay near Charli. I felt better that she was finally safe and so was Addison as I held her in my arms.

AN so maybe you noticed but I've had writers block for a bit but finally had some inspiration hit so expect some more chapters

I also hadn't had the chance but I recently hit 1k votes on this book and absolutely loads of views it's crazy! Thank you guys sm and I'm so happy you don't even know! Bye love ya guys 💖💕😂

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