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So y'all got me feeling bad and sad as hell for ending this book so here's a trash epilogue so it's not as bad 🤷‍♀️ please nope I still don't have much motivation here so it might be short

No ones POV
It had been years since Addison and Dixie started dating. Since the first kiss. Since the first I love you. Since they suffered four long years with long distance during college. But they made it.

Their relationship was not perfect much like others but deep down they loved each other with such passion that they both knew from the beginning exactly what they wanted. A future together. They didn't care how it happened as long as they were both in it.

It had only been months since they moved in together in there own apartment. Adopted their own cat. Made a small home for themselves in a small but busy town.

And it had only been a few months since Dixie suggested a nice morning hike up a mountain. And when they reached the top of that mountain. There was an absolutely breath taking view. And it wasn't until Addison turned around that she saw an impossibly more breath taking view.

Her beloved Dixie on one knee holding a shiny diamond in her loving and warm hands. And in the diamond she saw a future. Bold and bright.

Of course there were heartfelt words shared and confessions of love on that mountain top and plenty of tears as well. But within it all there was simply love and two emotional human beings struggling to find words to describe their love. So they settled for simply feeling their it.

And not 3 months later was Addison being walked down the aisle, clinging to her tear stained and smiling father. In fact everyone was tear stained. Including those at home who had simply heard about the wedding through the news.

Ah yes, the fame. It had since subsided from tik tok and developed into their own careers filled with songs, modeling agencies, and many other dreams. They were still in the spotlight but a more mature one.

And old friends had come and gone. Naturally heartbroken boys hung their heads with sorrow watching their old girlfriends fall deeper in love. One certain such boy named Bryce never quite recovered and has always suffered since. As he should.

Either way their love guided them to many monumental moments. Some bigger some small. From simply sharing ear buds, late drives in the rain or placing rings on fingers that will forever bond them, the love was always there.

They had, to put it simply, a beautiful wedding and it can be described as a blur. But not a bad one. One that will be remember by laughs, cake and flowers. Champagne, pretty dresses and I Do's.

A little later on things got more serious as Dixie and Addison welcomed their first adopted child home. Then another. And don't forgot another cat or two.

Now a family. They live happily. Watching as slowly what their love has built continues to grow. To grow with their children and their children's children.

That's the things about life, it never stops moving.


Eventually we are nearing the end. And even with the old age, the illness, the tears and the pain, the love is still there. Huddled in a corner. Waiting and watching. And making sure that even in their final moments together they remember everything that they've done. How far this love for each other has brought them.

And in their final moments, there is fear of what comes next and where they will go and if they will be together.

But the love is there to calm the fear. To remind them that no matter what happens the love will always be there.

The love is there to remind them to smile.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

The End


AN so yeah there it is. Um idk I think it's kinda bittersweet like happy but sad ending. I really was feeling bad about cutting off the story and I feel a lot better knowing it has an end no matter how bad or how late it is. Either way I really do want to thank everyone who read this far or voted or commented and left so much love on this stupid story I wrote. Seriously 101k is insane!! It really means a lot to me and this is the end unfortunately of this story but maybe I'll find a new ship to write a story about 👀

Either way I love every one of you and I'll see you around! 💕💗💖

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