Chapter 28

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Addison POV
We were packed and heading to get on the plane for the flight. We all showed our tickets and boarded. Me, and the sisters were all seated in a row, me at the window, Dixie next to me, and Charli on the aisle.

And we were all exhausted since Heidi had failed to mention she had booked a flight for 6 am, and we had all been up since 4. So naturally Charli fell right asleep and I was drifting off. I had already filmed parts of our trip for a tik tok so I decided I could have nap.

Dixie seemed to think otherwise however. I tried not to flinch as she rested a hand on my thigh. She held it in place so I ignored it and shut my eyes. But soon enough the little tease started to trace circles in my skin and slowly went higher.

I bit my lip and tried to cross my legs, but Dixie just moved her hand so it got trapped between my legs. I blushed and picked up her hand. "Dixie." I said sternly and she smiled at me before holding my hand. I tried to fall asleep but she wouldn't stop playing with my fingers. I jolted awake and glared at her as I felt her slowly lick my middle finger.

"What is wrong with you?" I whisper yelled as I pulled my hand away. She huffed as I continued to glare at her. She sighed and leaned in closer so only I could hear. "I'm mad horny baby." She whispered while blushing. I clenched my jaw and rolled my eyes playfully. "Well I can't help you, not right here I can't." I whispered back and she sighed. "Try and sleep." I suggested and she pouted as she laid her head on my shoulder.

She watched out the window as I feel asleep.

When I woke up Dixie was shaking me gently and we were about to land. I rubbed my eyes and picked up my stuff and soon enough we were searching for Heidi and Mark. We soon found them and we greeted each other. Heidi and Mark both acted as if nothing had changed and I was part of the family as they hugged me and I was thankful for that.

We all got into their car and started driving back to the Damelios house. I watched out the window as I listened to Charli and Dixie argue about the trip so far. I smiled as I watched the roads stretch on. I had barely been to New England and much less Connecticut, so I took it in. There were a lot more trees and it was actually pretty cold but no one else seemed to might.

When we finally made it to their house I remembered how nice it was. I had actually been there once or twice, but it had been a while. We all walked inside and were immediately greeted by their 4 dogs. I giggled as I pet them and I felt Dixie tugging my hand to lead me to her room.

"We're gonna take a nap!" She called out as she lugged our stuff upstairs. "Ok sweetie! Dinner will be ready at 6!" Heidi called back. "And leave your door open!" Mark called. Dixie groaned and rolled her eyes as I smiled. I had missed being around the Damelios. They had such a nice family dynamic, that it was so entertaining.

Charli walked past us and yawned as she went to her room. "Don't talk to me and knock if I'm not up for dinner." She grumbled. We were all pretty lagged and I collapsed on Dixies bed. It was smaller than the one back at the Hype House, but it was comfortable. I laid on my stomach spread out like a starfish as I listened to Dixie moved stuff around.
I held back a giggled as I listened to her grunt and struggle with her suitcase before she sighed and I assumed she had given up.

Then I felt a weight being laid on my back and warm arms being snaked around my stomach. "Hi." I whispered. "Hi." She said back. "You actually tired?" I asked and she hummed in response. "I'm too tired to be horny anymore." She mumbled as she got off of me and crawled up and under her sheets. I was relieved. I don't think I had it in me, besides the house was full of family.

I crawled up and took little spoon and soon heard Dixies soft snores as I fell asleep too.


Dixie POV
I woke up to an empty bed and looked around my room to see Addison looking at the pictures I had up and around. "Adds?" I asked groggily and she quickly turned to me and put a picture back. "You were a cute baby." She smiled as she came over to lay with me. "Does that mean I'm not cute now?" I asked and she giggled. "Of course not, you're still my cute baby." She cooed as she pinched my cheek.

It sent more pain to my mouth and I cringed. "Oh! Sorry." She quickly said worriedly. "It's fine." I smiled and she gave me a weak smile. "Dinner!" I heard Heidi call from downstairs. I groaned as I stretched before getting up. Addison and I stumbled downstairs and I noticed that Charli hadn't shown up yet, so I quickly went back to smash on her door.

"Coming!" She yelled annoyed and I grinned as I went back downstairs and sat next to Addison at the table, as my parents sat across from us. "This looks great!" Addison said excitedly as she looked at the chicken parm we were having. "Thank you."  Mom gushed.

My dad cleared his throat. "So, you girls are a thing, huh?" I cringed and Addison smiled politely. "Yessir." She said and I nodded. "Wonderful." He said and I tried to start a conversation. "Actually we've been dating for almost a month." I said and my mom smiled. "That's lovely, you are so sweet together, I knew you two really clicked." She said.

"Take care of my girl, Addison." My dad said proudly and Addison laughed. "Oh trust me I am." I rolled my eyes playfully and ate my dinner. As it went on, I listened helplessly to my dad embarrassing me with countless stories, all from when I was little. "You wanted a Mohawk? Involuntarily?" Addison giggled and I groaned. "Yes! I thought it would be cool! Middle school was a mess okay?" I said as I hid my face.

Addison just smiled at me. "Oh if you thought that was funny get a load of-" "Dad!" Charli interrupted. She had come down a little while ago but had been mostly silent. I figured she was still grumpy. "Can we talk about something other than our childhood?" I pleaded and he chuckled.

"Well one thing, we leave at 10 am tomorrow and the appointment is at 10:30. It should be over around 11:30 so we can get some lunch." My mom explained. Addison and I nodded. My mom would be bringing us as Charli and Dad stayed home.

I was a little nervous but I was ready for the toothaches to end. Eventually we finished up dinner and I watched lovingly as Addison helped my mom clean up and laughed with her. My dad patted me on the shoulder.

"Listen Dixie, I try not to get too involved in all this stuff, but I can tell you really like her." He said gently. I nodded as I listened. "You being good to her?" He asked. "Yes of course." I smiled. "Are you guys doing good?" I sighed. "Yeah dad, I think I really love her. I mean it's all new and strange but we are working it out together. Everything is great." I said while blushing a little.

"I'm happy to hear that. And I'm happy you're happy." He went silent for a second before saying. "Are you using protection?" "Dad!" I whisper yelled and he chuckled. "I'm just joking. Just make sure you stay safe and you can talk to me if you ever need it." He smiled as he left. I smiled as Addison finally walked over.

"Ready for bed?" She asked and I nodded. We went back to my room and talked for a while, and finally decided to go to sleep around 1 in the morning. It was fine. We had had a nap anyway.

AN sorry ik you all wanted the cute chapter but it's up next. I'll probably write it tomorrow so stay tuned!

Also I'm way too lazy to proofread so don't be shy point out my mistakes 😂

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