So uhhh surprise!

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Anyone new here just skip this one too 🥱

Ok guys first thing I wanna say is I'm sorry and bear with me here

So I know I said I didn't want to continue this but with time away from it and being quarantined with extra time and stuff it made me realize how much I missed this story.

And I feel kinda bad especially since there is a sorta a Dixison drought going on and I feel bad because I love all the support I have on this.

So I'm sorry again and I understand if you guys are mad at me but I just change my mind too much 😅

So I think I will continue and I'll see where it takes me. I started this book mostly for me and without a solid plan so I don't know when it will really end but I have at least one new chapter almost done so...

Also next time I have sort of a block and want to stop I promise I will really think it through so I don't have to mess with you guys again 😢

Yeah once again I'm sorry and I hope you guys won't be too mad 😬😅💖💗
New chapter should be out either today or tomorrow!

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