Chapter 34

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Avani POV (Ik trying something new oOoo)
I was busy dying laughing at a sponge bob meme that was on my feed when suddenly I got a text from Charli. My heart fluttered as I went to read it. My heart soon shattered as I read what it said.

Charli: don't be mad

I sat and stared at it for a solid two minutes as my mind raced with thoughts. First thing I thought was she wanted to break up. And then maybe she cheated. Maybe she had lied about this whole thing. Maybe she never actually liked me. I sat there completely numb and typed out my reply.

Avani: oh god what did you do?

I sat and held my breath as I waited for a response. Luckily she answered quickly.

Charli: I didn't do anything. I just have been meaning to tell you something

I frowned as all the doubts came back.

Charli: don't worry I'm not breaking up with you or anything
Avani: char what's up? Talk to me
Charli: it's just I had a meltdown today

I frowned. A meltdown? Like a little kid meltdown or?

Avani: wdym?
Charli: I like had a full on break down and blew up on Dixie because I've been so stressed

Now I was baffled. I felt horrible knowing that Charli was alone and was going through all this and that I had no idea about it. Why wouldn't she tell me? I was getting a little suspicious and felt like we had been drifting ever since they all decided to stay in Connecticut. I had to admit I did feel left out.

Avani: aw baby I'm so sorry. You should talk to me I can help you ;(
Charli: I know it's just I know you're mad because I don't want to come out and I keep thinking about how much it's hurting you like I don't want you to think that I don't want to be with you because I really do I'm just scared. And i didn't want to talk about it because I was scared of your reaction

I reread her message almost 3 times by the time I had processed and come up with a reply.

Avani: Charli that's not healthy! You should know you can trust me I won't blow up on you! I love you too much I would never want to hurt you

I started getting nervous as I waited for her reply. 7 painful minutes to be exact, I waited. Watching as her text bubble appeared and disappear many times.

All for one simple sentence.

Charli: you love me?

I gulped. Well shit I guess I dug my own hole here. I can't believe it just slipped. Damn Avani you idiot now you're gonna freak her out more and she'll leave you. I took a deep breath. Was it getting hot in here?

Avani: yes... well I mean I think I do. You are just so sweet and cute and I really like when I'm with you or talk to you and I need you char I really do. But I get it if you're not ready or if you never will be
Charli: av I think I love you too. I mean you're so kind and funny and crazy. You're like the ying yang to my personality. And I should have just talked to you. Idk why I was scared it's stupid
Avani: it's not stupid it's totally understandable. We needed this. We needed this so now we know we can talk ok? Now what else it on your mind?
Charli: well idk I talked to Dixie and I've just been so scared to come out because I care about what other people think but I realize now that that makes me miserable. It makes me miserable to not be with you and I would rather be happy with you and be myself than be miserable without you and hide.

I smiled. She was just scared. I mean she's a teenage girl. She doesn't know what the hell is going on she just wants to live and be accepted and understood.

Avani: I know how you feel baby. And you don't have to be scared we can do this together. And if it doesn't work out I'll be here and we can work through it. But trust me char everyone loves you and will be happy as long as you're happy and if they aren't then they aren't worth it. You should just be happy, that's what life is for :)
Charli: you're right Vani idk why I didn't talk sooner. I think I might be ready now. I want to be with you :)

I grinned like a little kid who just got candy. Dixie was right. I just needed to give her some time.

Avani: r u sure?
Charli: yes but I want to wait until I can see you again 🥺

I smirked as my mind went to the nudes I had taken for her. I hadn't sent them yet but I thought it might be funny.

Avani: you can see me rn ;)
Avani: Picture Sent
Charli: AVANI!
Avani: sorry ik probably not the time hehe
Charli: maybe but I'll definitely save them for later 😏🥵
Avani: naughty. but I do miss you 🥺
Charli: imy 2 baby I want to go back but I don't think I'm gonna be allowed to
Avani: ik we are in sorta a tough spot baby but we can do this even long distance ok?
Charli: ok
Charli: ily

I smiled. She was adorable even if I couldn't see her. Well maybe I could.

Avani: ily 2 baby goodnight 😘
Charli: gn 🥰

I thought for a second. Being here at the hype house kinda sucked with almost all the hype being in Connecticut. Thomas was working us overdrive since  almost everyone was asking if Charli had left and were unfollowing.

I smiled as I searched for tickets to Connecticut.

Charli was in for a surprise.


AN I know this is kinda short but I hope y'all liked this I wanted to sorta try something new and add in more Chavani

Thanks for reading 😌

Also sorry if there are mistakes but I kid you not Avani kept autocorrecting to avant- and charli to of course Charlie but it iz what it iz

and I need date ideas y'all 😩 like maybe a double date? Idk 😂

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