Chapter 13

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Addison POV

It had been a few days since the whole ordeal and Dixie and I were doing better than ever. I really am in love with her. I can't stop thinking about her and I'm okay with that.

Currently we were just cuddling in Dixies bed for a change. Dixie was scrolling through her phone and I was basically a human blanket for her.

"Are you sure you're okay with this? You don't want to do anything today?" Dixie asked again as she shut off her phone and hugged me. My heart melted.

"No, there is no where I'd rather be than here." I pouted as I hugged Dixie back. She ran her hands under my hoodie and I stiffened but soon relaxed as she started to scratch my back. "Hmmm.. That feels good" I smiled as I melted into her.

I was about to fall asleep when none other than Charli walked in. "Aww you guys are cute." She giggled. Dixie rolled her eyes but kept her hands on my back. "Can I stay here or should I go?" Charli asked while plugging in her phone.

"I don't mind." I said as I laid back down. Dixie hugged me again and sighed. "Good night." She whispered in my ear. I looked at the clock. It wasn't even noon. I rolled my eyes and smiled before laying back down on her chest.

I heard Charli get up after a bit. "I'm heading out to Dunks. Want anything?" She asked as she walked over and moved Dixies hair that was in my face. "No thanks." I smiled. Dixie shook her head and Charli left.

"I love you." Dixie murmured. "I love you too." I answered back. I realized that Dixie was now on her phone again and angled myself so I could see what she was doing. She was sending snaps to someone but I couldn't read it.

"Who are you talking too?" I asked. "Griffin." She answered simply. My stomach churned. Don't get me wrong, Griffin was not the worst boy in the world and was genuinely sweet, but I knew he was totally into Dixie. And that's about where my respect for him dissipated.

"What are you talking about?" I asked as sweetly as I could. Dixie seemed to buy it. "Not much just streaks." She said before sending another one to him.

"You don't need to send ten in a row for streaks." I mumbled. "Addison he's my friend. I'm engaging in a conversation with my friend." Dixie sighed as she sent yet another snap.

I rolled my eyes and got off of her before picking up my own phone. "Hey come back. You were so warm!" She giggled. For some reason I really didn't want to be around her anymore. So I got scoffed and left.

"Why don't you ask Griffin to bring you a blanket."

Dixie POV

That was weird. I felt confused and kinda sad. But I stayed in bed and kept answering Griffin. Charli came back in after a while.

"Why is Addison so mad?" She asked sitting next to me. "I think she's jealous of Griffin." Jealous Addison is kinda hot though I thought as I walked to find Addison.

She was making a tik tok so I snuck up on her and jumped her as it finished. "What the hell? That was the best one so far." She mumbled as she quickly deleted it. I frowned. I thought maybe she would draft it.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled before leaving. Addison sighed and I heard her start a new one.

"Charli help. She hates me." I sighed sitting next to Charli. "No she doesn't. You just need to spend time apart all day so she realizes how much she needs you." I grinned. That seems like a good idea. "I'm going out!" I called.

"Yeah great.." Addison mumbled. I sighed before hopping in my car and going for a drive.

I stayed out all day and came back around 9 with no text from Addison. She didn't even care. I decided it was time I confronted her.

"Addison we need to talk." I said seriously walking into her room. Her whole attitude was off. She wasn't her cheery self. "Addison I was gone all day and you didn't offer to go with me or even text to see if I was ok."

"Well maybe I didn't want you to feel guilty." She snapped.

"About what?"

"Don't be stupid Dixie! About going off to suck Griffins dick!" She yelled. I hadn't heard her yell before.

"Addison what the fuck?! First of all I'm not stupid. And second we are just friends so stop being so paranoid!" Just at that moment my phone buzzed.

"Friends friends friends!" She screamed. "Show me that notification!" I sighed and looked at it. It was a snap from some random person named Axel.

"Fine." I said showing her my screen. "Axel? Is that your new name for Griffin? Newsflash I'm not stupid either! Show me what it is." Addison yelled.

"Don't be such a stalker. But if it makes you stop fine!" I scoffed sitting next to her to open it. Just my fucking luck.

It was a random ass dick pic.

"I can't fucking believe you right now!" Addison screamed getting up. "Addison I swear I have no idea who it is! Don't you get random dick pics?" I begged.

"Yeah especially at convenient times like this!" She yelled again. I had no idea how to fix this so I did the only thing I that made sense.

I fucking threw my phone out Addisons window. 

"Dixie what the fuck?!" Addison screamed running to the window.

"I can't talk to Griffin secretly without a phone can I? I'm so serious right now that I threw my phone out your window! Addison you need to trust me!" My voice softened.

She turned quickly and hugged me. "I'm so sorry! I have horrible trust issues ever since Bryce!" She sobbed. "Addison I'm sorry too. But I would never do that to you. I couldn't. Griffin is seriously just a friend and I won't let him do anything!" I said stroking her hair.

"You don't have any of your apps backed up!" She said still crying. "I have you." I giggled and she giggled too hugging me tighter. "I'm so sorry." She said again.

We hugged for a while as we both calmed down. "Let's go see if we can find it. In case it's not ruined and someone takes it." She said taking my hand. I smiled. I was happy she trusted me. "Thanks." I said.

"Where are you love birds sneaking off to so late?" Charli chirped as we ran past and out the door. "Dixie threw her phone out my window!" Addison yelled.

"What?!" Charli yelled coming to help us. "I had to prove my love!" I said seriously. "I'll never doubt you again." Addison said kissing me quick. I was so happy again.

I wasn't as happy though when Charli found my phone shattered on the concrete. It was long gone. "I'm so sorry." Addison said hugging me. "No it was my choice and it was worth it."

Addison kissed me again and later even bought me a new phone. After that day we never doubted each other and were always honest. Our relationship only got stronger.

I had a feeling we were meant to be.

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