Chapter 19

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Dixies POV

The next morning I woke up to a cold spot next to me. I frowned as I searched for any sign of Addison but she wasn't there. I groaned as I sat up. I had a major headache probably from a lack of sleep and I got up to get some water. I walked into the kitchen to see Addison making a tik tok. I smiled as I snuck up behind her, but she saw me and giggled as she turned to hug me mid dance. I was happy to see that she still posted it anyway.

I heard Avani and Chase arguing about something, before Avani stomped off with a big black stain on her shirt. I frowned. "Hey what happened?" I asked turning to Chase. It took everything to hold back from punching him.

Yes word got out and it was true, he had indeed played my sister. But it was okay, 1 because now everyone hated him and 2 Charli ended up with someone far better. "I just asked to use her black nail polish and then she said no and I grabbed it anyway and she started going off on me and then it spilled."

I rolled my eyes and stalked off. I finally got my drink of water when someone walked up behind me and covered my eyes. "Guess who?" To my surprise it wasn't Addison but rather Troy. I smiled anyway as I said "My boy Troy." And he laughed, sitting down across from me at the counter.

I liked Troy. He was funny and nice and surprisingly the most unproblematic boy in the house. Not to mention he had major self control and respect for boundaries which I applauded him on. (Ok so I don't know if there's any drama with Troy but from what I see he's pretty nice and him and Dixie are close-so I won't put them together relax they are just friends teehee)

"Whatcha doing today Dix? Wanna grab some lunch considering you woke up at 12?" He said as he gave me a fist bump. I smiled. "Yeah of course, and later we have to skate since you promised me that new board." I said. He smirked. "Yeah yeah I have it." He waved his hand in front of his face like it was no big deal.

"I let you borrow my board for one second and you break it in half." I grumbled. "You don't even use it that much!" He defended. "Whatever." I said with fake annoyance.

"What's with all this fighting?" Addison asked as she walked up beside me, wrapping one arm around my waist and resting her hand on my hip. "Troy and I are going to lunch then to skate." I filled her in. Troy perked up a little. "Wanna come with Adds?" He asked. Addison blew a raspberry.

"I don't know, I can't skate." She mumbled. "That's fine. Dixie can't either." He said. "Hey!" I yelled hitting his arm. Addison laughed. "Come on Addison I'm only staying for one more day! I have to hang out with my two besties." Troy pleaded.

"Fine you got me." Addison admitted defeat as Troy punched the air. "Yes! Ok Dixie go get ready. No offense but you look like a roach." He said as he got up to wait for us in the living room. "Bully!" I called after him as Addison and I went upstairs. We went to my and Charlis room so I could change.

"I don't know about this Dixie." Addison mumbled as I pulled off my shirt and smelled one I grabbed off the floor. "What's wrong? Don't tell me you're jealous again." I said sarcastically, while I threw her the shirt to smell. She was silent and my heart dropped. But it picked back up when I looked up to meet her eyes. She was only silent because she was fake gagging at my shirt.

"That is ass I can't lie." She said as she threw it into my over flowing laundry basket. "No, I trust and love Troy. He's a sweetie. But I'm scared to go skateboarding. I did it once when I was little and broke my arm." She said frowning as I threw her another shirt. Her frown only increased as she smelled it.

"Jesus Dixie how can you live like this?" She asked as she scooped up an armful of shirts and clothes and dumped them on the pile. "Come on they don't smell that bad." I defended. "Dixie, I love your smell. And if I say they smell bad then they smell fucking bad." She said. I rolled my eyes. "And I'll keep you safe babe." I told her as I smiled. She smiled too as she continued to clean my side of the room.

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