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Renesmee slowly sat in the chair, facing her uncle Jasper. Her eyes were fixated on his nose. She had read somewhere that if she stared at someone's nose, they wouldn't notice. That wasn't the case with her uncle.

The vampire looked at his niece, askew, "Are you staring at my nose?"

The hybrid rapidly shook her head, her eyes wide as pancakes, "N-no," she attempted to deny, alas her rather quiet voice and her body language easily gave her away.

Jasper chuckled. Did his niece seriously think she could fool him? Sometimes it seemed that Renesmee would forget who her family members were. The vampires of The Olympic Coven had been on this planet for too long to let themselves be fooled by a young hybrid, who had yet to learn the true colours of this horrible world.

"Please, don't lie to me," he softly spoke to the young girl, who couldn't look at him anymore. Her mind was too preoccupied with Jacob. She was supposed to forget about him, so her parents and her auntie Rosalie claimed. But how? He had been the one who had been next to her through all of her life. To her, that was pretty much the same situation as when in the past her father had left her mother supposedly for her safety. In fact, it seemed that her mother could understand her the best. If that was the case, then why was Renesmee in her uncle's office and not in her mother's cold embrace?

Jasper was the empath. So naturally, he was the psychotherapist at the Cullen Manor. Whenever one of the family had troubles, they would always go to him. With the help of his ability, Jasper Hale made the perfect vampire psychotherapist. If only he didn't have problems with his bloodlust, he could have opened a private cabinet to help the ones in need and not only his family.

When it came to his niece, however, he couldn't simply rely on his powers. He wanted his niece to take action too. So he and Carlisle were going to discuss and prescribe her medicines to help with her wellbeing. If needed to, together with the rest of the family, they would attempt to invent medicines. Everything to return the smile on Renesmee's face.

"I just don't understand," the young murmured, looking up, "Why did he leave me?"

Jasper had an answer to that question. Often people left because they had had no other choice. But if he told Renesmee that Jacob had been practically kicked out, that would have destroyed her relationship with the rest of the family. The vampire was starting to think that maybe it hadn't been such a good idea to ask Jacob to go and never come back. Perhaps the Cullens had overreacted.

Alas, it had been too late. The damage had been done already. And now they had been left to fix it. 

"Am I not worthy?", the tears were rolling down the adolescent's cheek.

And soon enough, the young girl burst into tears, feeling betrayed yet again.

Dear Jacob [RENESMEE CULLEN]Where stories live. Discover now