Journey's Beginning Part 1

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Kira's P.O.V.

After that crazy event, we all went to sleep, Keith sleeping in his room, along with the others sleeping on the floor of Keith's room, while I stayed with Shiro next to the couch, up for a couple of minutes, making sure everything was ok, soon passing out into a deep slumber. Then morning arrives, still early though, like five am, the light shining through the curtains onto my eyes. I slowly wake up, rubbing my eyes, but then jump up seeing I'm in a new position on the couch, I was laying down and Shiro was not. I look over the room seeing Shiro across the room sitting in one of the chairs examining his arm, the one that had been...replaced." Shiro?", I asked still sleepy, he looks up, a small smile on his face. I get up, walking over to him, he too gets up. I have a big smile on my face, I then jump up, hugging him, he stumbles a bit from my hug, but still wraps his arm around me, spinning me off the ground for a quick second." Oh gosh it's great to have you back Shiro", I exclaimed, letting go of him, he smiles back, " It's great to be back Kira, and I can tell you've changed a bit while I was gone", he stated. It was true, my hair was shorter now than before, along with having more of a build now than I did back then, plus a bit taller as well." Well, I can also tell that you've changed as well", I stated, both of us looking down at his arm, "but..", I begin, looking up and ruffling his hair, " Looks like this also changed.", chuckling lightly. He laughs as well, he then looks past me outside, then back to me, " You don't mind if I go outside, do you?"." Of course, I don't mind, you probably haven't seen the sun in a while." He nods his head, walking off outside, gazing off into the sunrise.

After a while, everyone has woken up, eaten their breakfast quickly while Keith walks outside as well, going off to talk with Shiro. A minute or two passes, when they come back inside, seeming to want to show us something. We all gather around a broad, covered by a sheet, only to unveil it to us, showing us maps and charts and other types of information." What have you been working on?", Shiro questions, in awe of all the information, presented, as was I." I can't really explain it. After getting booted from the Garrison, I was kind of lost and found myself drawn out to this place. It's like something, some energy, was telling me to search", still unsure of his own response, " For what?", I ask him. He looks to me, " Well, I didn't really know at the time...until I stumbled across this area.", he states, placing his hand on an area of the map circled in black marker. He continues to explain, " It's an outcropping of giant boulders with caves covered in ancient markings. Each tells a different story of a blue lion, but they all have clues that lead to some event, some arrival happening last night. Then you showed up.",he look to Shiro, who is confused about what all this means, along with the rest of us. Shiro then turns to us, " I should thank you all for getting me out. Lance right?", walking over to him holding out his hand to shake, Lance is hesitant but still shakes it, seeing it was the robotic one. Then turning Hunk and Pidge, " The nervous guy is Hunk. I'm Pidge. So, did anyone else from your crew make it out?", she questions, I look down sadly, not really wanting to hear his response." I'm not sure, I remember the mission and being captured, but after that, it's bits and pieces.", he states sadly, sounding like he too wanted answers.

Hunk then blurts into the conversation, "Yeah sorry to interrupt, but back to the aliens. Where are they now? Are they coming? Are they coming for us? Where are they at this very moment?", he rambles off, I put a hand on his shoulder." Hunk calm down, we are not entirely sure on where are they now, but we'll find out together", I state calmly, Shiro then tries to reply to Hunk's questions, " I can't really put it together. All I remember is the word 'Voltron'." As soon as he states that word, the ringing comes back, louder than before, I slowly lift my arm up to my ear trying to hide any signs of pain. He continues to explain it's some type of weapon that they are searching for, but it's like his words become blurry, or muffled by something, Keith takes notice of me and walks next to me, asking quietly, " You ok? You seem to be drifting off?" I simple rub my temple easing the pain, " Yeah-h I should be fine, probably just that I haven't been drinking lots of water is all", I say simply, he nods his head quickly going away for a second, then coming back with a glass of water, handing it to me. I give a small thank you and heads back to his spot, taking a sip and then coming back to the conversation. Hunk then states that he rummaged through Pidge's bag, to Pidges much irritation, saying he found something in her diary, saying that the series of numbers is like a Fraunhofer line." Frown who?", Keith questions, confused on what that was. Hunk explaining it to him on how it is a number describing an emission spectrum of an element, though it isn't an element from the earth, to which he proposed that it could be an element from Voltron.

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