Gladiator's Attack

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Kira's P.O.V.

We all enter the dining room, I couldn't help but yawn as I felt so much energy as been drained, ' Oh man, I'm so tired I don't know if I can continue to walk'. Lance and Keith bicker in the background as I sit to Shiro's right, taking off my helmet as I sit down resting my head in the palm of my hand, " Alright, save your energy for fighting Zarkon", Shiro asserted, with a sigh sitting in his chair resting his head, ' Mmm I've never really noticed his scar on his nose... I wonder how he got it',  I thought out of nowhere. Coran then comes in with a plate that was covered, " Hey guys! How was the Voltron work out?", he asked coming up to Shiro, " We're getting there. Are you and Allura almost done fixing up the castle so we can leave this planet? I feel like sitting ducks here on Arus.", he says with a straight face, I nod my head slightly agreeing with him, " Just about. In the meantime, to get your minds off those duck seats you're worried about, I made you guys authentic paladin lunch!", he said pulling off the lid, revealing...some weird and disgusting glob stuff sticking out, I cover my nose smelling its horrible odor.

We all look at it strangely, not really wanting to eat it, " Coran you just got me hooked up on the goo now you're switching it up?", Hunk asked with an upset face, " This is packed with nutrients .", Coran says calmly, ' Does he not smell the odor! Probably with his Altean nose he can't smell it'. Hunk goes over the table and smells it, regretting it right after, " Oh it smells disgusting!", Coran then does the same taking a huge whiff of it, " I know. That's how you know it's healthy!", he adds, " Coran we are on a planet with fresh herbs, spices and whatever this is.", Hunk points to the plant in his hand, " Now if you'll excuse I'm going to the kitchen to spice things up.", he says and walks to the door that Coran came out of, " Wheres Pidge?", I ask yawning right after." He's probably checking up with the prisoners that we rescued from Zarkon", Coran answered with his mouth stuffed with the green stuff.

Shiro then gets up for his seat till he was stopped by Coran holding a spoon full of the glob in it, " Open the hatch. Food lion coming through!", he says making airplane noises, I held back my laughs as this happened before my eyes." No... Just no.", Shiro says and slips away, I get up from my own seat and follow right behind him, " Mind if I join you?", I ask him walking right next to him, " No, not at all. But shouldn't you go to sleep, with that yawning, I think you should go and rest", he suggested, I smile seeing that he was concerned for me, which I thought was very sweet, " Don't worry, I've dealt with worse than this.", I state, pointing to myself, pointing out my tiredness, he still had a bit of a worried face, " I don't know, I still think you should rest. Who knows when Zarkon is going to attack and I can't just let go out there and fight.", he explained. I sighed, " I'll be fine Shiro don't worry, I once pulled a whole week of all-nighters, zero rest.", he stops and looks at me surprised, " It was at the Garrison", I explained, " Iverson wanted me to do a report on something and well... Let's just say the report was really long.", I say. I turn and continue to walk to our destination, he then runs up to me, from there it's silence, I could feel his eyes glance over me at times, but I stayed silent, ' Why the heck is he looking at me? Do I have something on my face?' We continue our walk until we finally reach the room.

Shiro's P.O.V.

After what she said about I couldn't help but be stunned to know she had actually done that before, ' I would have already been dead by the end of the week, ', I thought, I saw that she began to walk again so I pick up my speed to reach her, once I did it was silent. I tried to keep my gaze forward, but for some reason, I couldn't help but glance down at her, it was probably really creepy for her, but I've been getting these strange feelings, ' What the heck is is this feeling? I just kinda feel drawn to her. There's something about her that just... I don't know what this feeling is, but I hope it goes away soon, I can't let it get in the way.', I say to myself. After a while, we finally reach the room, Kira goes in first and I follow in right after her. I could see Pidge waiting, clearly anxious. I walk up to him, " You're as anxious as me.", I say, clearly grabbing his attention as he lifted up his head looking at me, then at Kira, who stood next to me, " These aliens we saved know something about my family. They have to!", he says, hope in his voice, " I hope so.", I respond, I too wanted to see them again, they were good people who did not deserve what happened to them." They recognized you, didn't they? They called you ' Champion'?  What does that even mean?", he inquired. I didn't know how to exactly respond, " I don't know. I can't remember very much from that time.", I say, " But the way they looked at me when we freed them... I don't know if I want to find out."Right at that moment, one of the pods opens up to reveal one of the aliens, the one who had spoken up and called me Champion.

Together till the End (ShiroxOc) (🌟Continued On Another Book🌟)Where stories live. Discover now