Journey's Beginning Part 2

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Kira P.O.V.

The lion finally lands onto the ground with a loud thud, the dust settling down." Keep your guard up.", Shiro asserted I look up at him, " Something wrong", I inquire, getting ready to battle, he still looks out the window, " My crew was captured by aliens once, I'm not going to let that happen again.", he said. We then get out the lion, I feel the breeze of the wind blow through my hair, I look around the area, seeing the vast valleys around the castle itself. But out of nowhere the lion lifts it's head up, hunk screaming and yelling, I get out my staff ready to fight, even though we probably won't be able to fight it. It lets out a loud roar and I turn my head as the doors of the castle bustle loose, " Oh the door is open. Guess I was wrong about you", Hunk apologizes to the lion, who...of course doesn't respond back. We head inside cautiously, making sure nothing tries to come out and attack us, we all look around the interior as we walk through the hallway, 'Whoa', I thought, ' And I thought the interior of the Castle of England was amazing'. "Hello!", Hunk shouts, we all turn to him, " Hunk really.", I say, he just shrugs." From the size of the lion, I thought the stairs would be bigger", Pidge queries. Out of the blue, the roof on top of us turns on as lights then shine upon, a female voice then comes out, ' Hold for identity scan ', I then feel the light around me gaze over me, " Why are we here? What do you want from us?", Shiro questions the automated voice. The voice comes again, ' Welcome Heart of Voltron', it scans me one more time and then the lights flicker on, one by one,' I wonder why it said that?', I thought.

We look at each other, confused and anxious, but still continue forward down the halls. I stop, I could hear the faint sound of a roar and then a voice, I turn my head and look down a dark hallway, the sound emitting from there, 'Guess not all the lights turned on, I thought. I was about to walk down that hallway until Shiro came back around while the others continued forward, " Hey you okay?", he asks, looking down the hallway to see if there was anything, " N-no everythings fine", I stutter but show that I was ok, he nods his head and continues forward, I follow right behind. We proceed to walk the ups and downs of this castle a bit lost, Hunk shouting a few 'hello'. We stumble upon one room, a room that has a stand in the center, and weird circles on the floor surrounding it, we walk in, Pidge examines the stand, " Looks like some type of control room", she states. I stand next to her, I place my hand on, gliding my fingers over it, somehow it activates on. As I pull my hand away, something comes out of the floor, it looked like some type of pod, you could see a blurry of a human, or so I thought. Then another one pops out, this one holding a male." Are these guys...dead?", Hunk says, scared of the response someone might give. The cover of the pod soon fades away and a female was shown, she looked to be in some type of sleep state, Lance walks a little closer. Out of the blue, she bolts awake, reaching out her hand, " Father!", she yells, then falls, probably from the pod. Lance catches her as she falls down, she looked up at Lance, ' Oh boy let me guess he going to use some cheesy pickup line.', I thought to myself." Who are you? Where am I?", she asks looking a bit confused, " I'm Lance and your right here in my arms", Lance responds, I put my hand on the bridge of my nose.

She looks at him confused, " Your ears.", she begins, Lance looks at her confused as well, " Yeah? What about them?", " They're hideous. What happened to them?", she questioned, I couldn't help but giggle at this, but I did silently, to not draw attention." Nothing's wrong with them!", Lance retorted, " They heard exactly what you said to them!", she then turned him around, one hand grabbing his ear, pulling on it, and the other holding his arm behind his back, shoving him down onto his knees. Out of instinct, I swing out my staff, ready to fight." Who are you? Where is King Alfor? What are you doing in my castle?", she questions us as she holds Lance down, " A giant blue lion brought us here that's all we know.", he says in pain as his ear gets pinched. She has a look of surprise and looks back to us, " How do you have the blue lion? What happened to its paladin?" I lower down my weapon, seeing her as not that threatening, she seemed as confused as us, " What are you all doing here? Unless...", she began but did not seem to finish, she let's go of Lance, who rubs his ear in pain." How long has it been?", she asked, seeming to urge for an answer, Shiro then speaks up, " We don't know what you're talking about. Why don't you tell us who you are? Maybe we can help you.", he said." I am Princess Allura of Planet Altea. I need to find out where we are and how long we've been asleep.", she started, walking to the podium, putting her hand where I had one of mine, it then activated turning a bright blue." Okay, that's how that works.", Pidge said, then from behind the other pod opens up, revealing a man with orange hair and a bushy mustache, his eyes were opened he seemed dazed though. He then turned around and saw us, " Enemy combatants!", he yelled then jumped and tried to knockdown Lance, but he easily dodges, so the man misses and crashes to the ground.

I roll my eyes as they argue between each other, saying who would have won. I then hear a gasp, and I turned to look at Allura, who bares a stunned expression, the man turns as well, asking if she was okay." We've been asleep for ten thousand years", she states alarmed, I too look in shock, ' Ten thousand years...that's absolutely crazy.', I thought." Planet Altea and all other planets in our solar system have been destroyed. Coran, Father is gone. Our entire civilization...", she said in despair, I could then tell her change in mood, from despair to anger, " Zarkon.". I then see Shiro freeze, scared for a second, seeming to remember the time he was trapped with the Galra in their warships, seeing his face-. I then stop, 'How the heck did I know that?', I ask myself, so confused." He was the king of the Galra. A vile creature and an enemy to all free people", she stated with anger, " I remember now... I was his prisoner", he said with no emotion. Allura then looks over to him, shocked, "He is still alive? Impossible!", " I can't explain it but it's true", he said, " He is searching for a superweapon called Voltron"." He is searching for it cause he knows it's the only thing that can defeat him. And that's exactly why we need to find them before he does", she states. Then Coran walks up to her, " Princess you haven't eaten in ten thousand years, you must eat", he says, " I'm not hungry", she simply says." Man, ten thousand? That's like one thousand plus ten.", Lance said, "That's times ten.", Keith retorted back, " Shut it dropout", chatter then fills the room for a bit, Coran then states they are the only ones left of their kind, the mood gets solemn. I then hear little squeaks, so does Allura. We then all turn to Allura's pod and see four mice pop out, Allura chuckles happily, " Looks like we are not the only ones left after all."

Then an alarm goes off, scaring us all, we turn around to the podium, " A Galra battleship has set it's a tracker on us!", Coran states." How did they find us?", Allura says, Lance then bustle in, " I don't know but I bet it's Keith's fault.", " Say whatever makes you feel better. After getting us on the other side of a wormhole!", Keith says back, getting closer, " I'll stick you in a wormhole!", Lance retorts back, sticking his face towards Keith. Shiro then comes in between them, " Stow it, cadets! This is no time to place blame. It's time to work as a team.", "Shiro is correct cadets, now if you don't shut it, the Galra ain't the only thing coming at you.", I say glaring them down. Both then stand straight and don't make any eye contact with each other, even Shiro got a bit scared." How much time left till they come", Shiro asks, still a bit shaky from what I said, " At their speed? Oh, well, let's see carry the two... I'd probably say a couple of days.", Coran says holding up his fingers, counting them.' I have a feeling he going to be a bit off...', I thought, due to the fact that counting with fingers isn't the best way to do the math, " Good, let them come. By the time they get here. You five would have reformed Voltron and together, we will destroy Zarkon's empire", Allura said, I stood with pride, willing to do whatever it takes to protect my friends from harm...

Oh yeah, part 2 done my dear readers, now off to the next chapter, PEACE✌

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