The Awakening

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Kira's P.O.V.

We all head back to the control room, seeing Allura and Coran at the center." You guys did it!", Allura exclaimed we were all excited, of course, " Wait, " Pidge began, " What about the White Lion?", ' Opps I kinda forgot that I am a paladin as well.', Allura then explains, " Oh, yes of course", she pulled up an image of parchment, with what seems to be, the White lion next to the words," It is said that the White lion can only be found once all lions are united and then they will help open a bridge to a world between worlds and there she would face a challenge, only then will she awaken the White lion", Allura explained." We should get started then cause I don't think the Galra are gonna wait for us", I state.

We all head back to the lion hangers, " Hurry we do not have much time", Allura warned. The Lions were all in a circle and the center me, ' Okay this is gonna be freaky', I thought to myself. I then turn to the others, " I'm ready.", Allura nods her head, she places her hands on the floor, lines on the floor then turn blue. I could see all the lion's eyes turn yellow, signaling they were activated. They all nealt down before me as a mini wormhole opens up in front of me, I slowly head for it, " Kira!", I turn to see Pidge run up to me and lunge at me wrapping her arms around me, " Please come back, okay", she whispered, I could tell she wanted to let it all out but did not know how to, especially with the others present, "  Sh, it's okay. I promise that I'll come back.", I reassure her, lightly rubbing circles on her back, she soon let go and runs back to the others. I reach my hand in the wormhole, taking a deep breath and submerge myself completely through, then it goes black.

Pidge's P.O.V.

After Kira goes through, I grow nervous, ' What if she doesn't pass? What if she never comes back? What if--', a hand the rests on my shoulder, I look up to see Shiro smile down to me, " Don't worry, she'll make it. She's strong and determined, that's what makes a good at keeping her promises", he says. I let a smile then grow, " Yeah, your right", I respond. Then out of nowhere, the alarm blares off, Allura pulls up a screen, we see the Galra battleship come down into the atmosphere." We need the lions, now.", Allura says I turn around, " Wait! What about Kira.", I ask, worry filling me up. Allura states, " I don't know. Once the lions leave the wormhole might disappear, but that doesn't mean she won't find a way out." " No, I'm not leaving until Kira comes out!", I say back, " Pidge!", Keith asserts.

I look at him, " She'll be fine, but she won't if we don't protect the castle. She has her mission and we have ours", he says. I look to the mini wormhole, seeing it still open, I let out a small sigh and nod my head. We all run to our lions and get in, ' Hurry Kira, we need you.'

Kira's P.O.V.

I wake up on a cold black floor, I groan as I push myself up, I get up on my feet, looking around, " Where am I?", I said no one specifically.
I walk around a bit, everything look the same, till I see a figure from afar, " Hello?", I yell out to them, a cackle than erupts around the room, " Oh, you fool, you look so...weak.", they say, their voice echoing, " Okay...thanks.", I respond, not really knowing what to respond with." I wouldn't really thank me, I'm here to kill you.", it stated coming closer, a knife in her hand, " Whoa slow down there. I don't even who the heck you are! Why kill me!", I reply, backing away from them while pulling out my staff, they then begin to laugh, a very evil laugh, " Oh dear child, it's funny how you don't really recognize yourself",  she said coming out of the dark and into the light. I stand alarmed seeing myself, but Galra, ' I remember now, from my dream!', " You!", I snarl out at her, " Yes me, looks like you do remember.", she cackle's, " I rather not", I retort back, circling around her, " What do you want from me!", I ask her, standing a few feet behind her." Oh, my dear, I just want you dead and take your place and kill everyone you love!", she said, she then flips back over me.

Together till the End (ShiroxOc) (🌟Continued On Another Book🌟)Where stories live. Discover now