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And no not for the death of my character!  >: [

For how many views I've gotten so far on my story!

I'm so happy! (:

Thank you so much guys! This is like crazy for me!🎉

Plus shout out to my first follower on this app, plus who has also voted on my chapters uwu_tears

Thank you so much for your follow, plus votes, they make me so happy💖💖💖💖🎉🎉🎉

And to all of you who have read my story so far no my character ain't gonna die like that.

No! It's to cruel. I'm giving her the happy ending she deserves!

You'll just have to wait and see

So I'll see you all in the next chapter

Thank for reading!👊😎


Together till the End (ShiroxOc) (🌟Continued On Another Book🌟)Where stories live. Discover now