Finding the Lions Part 2

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Kira's P.O.V.

After that fun we all had we went back to our work, feeling much better, there were only a few minutes left before the guys had to come back." Kira. Keith. I have located your Lion's", Allura stated, we both head over to her, " So where are they?", Keith asked, " We are going to tell you when everyone gets here, this one might take a team effort", Coran explained, we both nod our heads, understanding. Soon Shiro and Pidge come back through the wormhole in the Green Lion, " She did it.", I whispered. They land in the castle, I wait a bit until they finally come through the doors into the control room, I rush over to Pidge, giving her a big hug, " Pidge you did it! I knew you could!", I exclaim we both laugh in achievement. I let her go, a huge smile on her face, I turn back to Shiro, " Great to see you too, team leader.", he chuckles a bit, my smile grows, " It's good to see you too, Kira.", he says patting my shoulder. We look out the window seeing the Blue and Yellow lion come out if the other wormhole. After a minute or two, Lance and Hunk come in tired as they walk in slouching and stretching their limbs.

" You made it", Allura exclaim, " Barely. That was a nightmare. I almost punked out there. I felt like Hunk.", Lance said, rubbing his neck, " How do you think I felt, I am Hunk.", Hunk said I laughed lightly seeing everyone back together." Yeah, we had it rough too", Pidge said, clearly saying a white lie, as she had a goofy smile on her face, I see Shiro smile too, ' I've never felt so at home in months', I thought. Then Shiro turns to Allura, " Did we find both Red and White lions?", he asked, wondering where we would go next, me having the same feeling. Coran then steps in, " Allura had just located the Red lion. There is some good news and bad news", " I have a bad feeling about this", I stated out of the blue, Keith looking at me with a face showing, ' I know how you feel', all written over it, Coran begins to explain, " The good news is the Red lion is nearby...the bad news is its onboard board Galra ship orbiting Arus. But wait, the good news is. We're Arus!" I get alarmed immediately, so does Shiro, we both say at the same time, " They're here already!?", it kinda shocked us both as we look at each and back to Coran, " Yes. I guess my calculations were a bit off. Finger counting-- is more of an art then science.", I groan and put a hand on my hip and pinch the bridge of my nose, ' I had a feeling he was going to be off', I said to myself. Out of nowhere a screen glitches on and we see a Galra there, who was sending us a transmission, " Princess Allura, this is Commander Sendak of the Galra Empire. I come on behalf of Emperor Zarkon, Lord of the Known Universe. I am here to confiscate the lions. Turn the lions to me or I will destroy your planet." The transmission then ends, I get a bit frustrated, ' That fool thinks we will turn in the lions just like that! Well, he's got another thing coming right to him!', I thought.

Shiro then speaks up, " Alright guys let's not panic.", he assured calmly, Hunk then panics, " Not panic! The scary purple alien is driving his battleship straight for us. We only have four lions.", " Actually, three working lions", Pidge corrected, "That's right. Thank you Pidge.", he said, " Three working lions and a ten-thousand-year-old castle", Coran then interrupts, " Actually it's ten thousand six hundred years old. You see it was built by my grandfather--", " Thanks, Coran. Thank you for that. See? Now is the perfect time to panic!", he exclaimed, his finger over Coran's mouth." Wait! This castle has a particle barrier we could activate.", Allura stated, Lance then begins to flirt, " Girl you already activated my part-", " Lance!", both I and Shiro warn him, glaring at him. Then Coran shows an image of the battleship, one part of it red, " The particle barrier won't stand long against Sendak's ion cannon forever. The Galra technology must have advanced since we last fought.", Coran clarifies." Panic now?", Hunk asks, " No. We've just got to figure out our plan of action", Shiro states, " And quickly too, for time is not on our side.", I state. Lance then jumps in, " I say we just pop up a wormhole and live to fight another day.", " I second that. Yes. We tried to find all the lions, right?", Hunk agreeing with Lance, " We gave it the college try. We couldn't do it. We only have three. We can't form Voltron. Well, I guess we can form a snake. Or a worm!", he continues, as they imagine the worm made of lions, ". " Alright, it's settled then", Lance begins, " Allura you ride with me. One of you takes the old guy.", Coran clearly gets angry at this." We can't just abandon Arus", Pidge says, thinking through the situation, " The Galra will just continue to destroy planets and capture prisoners until we stop them."

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