NSFW Hawks x Reader x Dabi (Despair) PRT. 1

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⚠️ Warning!!!!! ⚠️ PLEASE!!!! ⚠️ NONCON AHEAD ⚠️ DARK ⚠️


Your vision was hazy as your eyes opened sluggishly... Blinking a few times to try and clear your vision, you saw that you were staring at a familiar ceiling...

"...Keigo's room?"

Attempting to sit up you know the moment it fails something is wrong... Your eyes began to shake as you heard muffled shouts... Turning your head, you come face to face with a bound and gagged Hawks... Your panties crammed between his lips... But what made your eyes swell was what you saw had become of his wings. His once breathtaking red wings were clipped and some even torn out... and you could see a small pool of blood forming around him due to his feathers being ripped from his back...


"Well look who finally decided to wake up from her little nap. Be honest I thought you'd never wake up."

An unfamiliar voice echoed the room, but it rang in your ears as hysteria took over you. Struggling to break free, you looked like a fish out of water, the only difference was you were bound to a bed and there was no chance of freedom...

"She's cute when she struggles, you really got yourself a good one, huh Hawks?"

Halting your fight to break free, you looked at the stranger... He was horrifying, purple patches of disfigured skin covered his body, and you took note how his skin was being held together by the help of surgical staples... What struck you frozen with fear were his turquoise eyes... He was staring at you like a carnivore staring at its last meal...

"You know sweetheart, you have your lovely Hero to thank for all this."

Hawk's eyes grew wide.

"Well guess he's not much of a Hero anymore, more like a villain at this point. Yeah a villain like me. He's the one who's hurting you, not me."

The stranger with old burns walked up to Hawks and ripped your panties out from his mouth, "Have anything to say, Wing Hero."

Coughing a few times before responding, Hawks spoke with a straight face, "Why is it i'm the only one who hasn't broken their promise, Dabi. I told you everything i do is for the league, i just have to keep up my appearan-"

"Shut up already. I figured you out the moment you pointed your damn feather at me. The boss has told me to dispose of you, but I figured breaking you and something you cherish would be a lot more fun."

There was a nefarious smirk on Dabi's face as he crept closer and closer to you... Still frozen from the look in Dabi's eyes... You were unable to tell him to get back or to stop where he was... Your eyes just continued to convulse until you felt the heat of Dabi's breath lingering on your lips... Knowing well it was pointless, you still turned your head away trying to escape.


Lifting his head from your face, Dabi faced your tied up lover, "What is it, you now flightless bird?"

"Get away from her."

Like a winter storm, Dabi's laughter chilled you to the bone...

"Or what?! You'll cut me with your sharp feathers?" One of Dabi's staples popped out as his mouth opened wide, "Oh wait! You don't have any that're in tack anymore! And the ones that are seem to not be working that well!! Wish i had my phone to take a picture of that face of yours right now! How priceless!!!"

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