Fate or Coincidence

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Geralt and Jaskier were travelling almost three days. They had to stop travelling on one day because of Jaskier. He ate bad mushrooms and he was then vomiting all day. They were camping near the river Pontar now. Jaskier was playing the lute and taking care of fire while Geralt was fishing in the river.
He was standing in the middle of the river, he already caught three trouts into his fishing net which he made by yourself. Jaskier was already grilling others trouts on the fire. After couple of minutes later Geralt took his net again from the river and put it on the shore.
He was surprised when he spotted brown pitcher next to trouts.
"Jaskier come to look on something.." Geralt shouted at the bard.
Jaskier didn't wait any longer, he stood up and he immediately started running towards Geralt.

"What? What have you found?" Jaskier was curious but also catching his breath. Geralt took the pitcher from the net.
"I don't know exactly.. but here is something written in Elder's speech.." Geralt pointed on the words with his fingers. "So, it must be important I guess." he started to be suspicious.
"Why would be something like this laying in the river?" the bard asked him confused.
"Jaskier.. am I looking like somebody who knows it?" Geralt gave him angry look, then he continued more calmly.
"We should find someone who can read those words before we open it. We don't know what's inside of it." Geralt said seriously.
"Well, I know this region very well and now we're not to far from Rinde. We could go there first, maybe we can find there someone who can help us." Jaskier suggested.
"Can't believe I'm saying this but you're right Jaskier." the witcher admitted.
"I've grown up since I met you." Jaskier said proudly.
"I doubt that." Geralt laughed.
"You know I thought I'll share with you trouts which I already grilled but now I changed my mind. Do it by yourself." Jaskier smirked.
"No problem, after all your cooking sucks." Geralt made amusement smile.
"I will pretend I didn't hear what you just said witcher.." the bard came closer to him. "After all you're a very bad liar.." Jaskier winked at him and then returned back to the fire. Geralt just smiled under his nose and followed the bard.

RINDE - Redania

They were traveling almost half a day when they reached town Rinde. They entered through the main gate and then wanted to go to the center of city. As was Jaskier saying there should be a best marketplace in the town which also means it will be centre of every gossip or useful information. Geralt didn't protest and after couple of minutes walking they arrived on the marketplace.
"So, what now?" Jaskier asked Geralt when they were both looking at lot of people selling everything from vegetables to cursed amulets. It was more like a black market than an ordinary market.
"I have no idea." the witcher admitted.
"You told me you have a plan Geralt.."
"I told you we need to find someone not that I have a plan." he frowned.
"Isn't it the same thing?" Jaskier sighed.
"Clearly not if we don't know what to do next." Geralt smirked.
"Then we should ask someone about it.. maybe we could go to that woman looking like a Shaman, she seems she would definitely know something." Jaskier started going towards her but Geralt pulled him back. The bard lost his balance and almost fell down.
"And what you're gonna tell her? That you found it miraculously in the river? Firstly she won't believe you and secondly she will call the guards on you because you will look too suspicious.." Geralt let go bard's coat and narrowed him. Jaskier frowned and fixed his coat which Geralt crumpled.
"Fine.. then what you want to do?"
"I will talk not you." the witcher stated.
"Was it so hard to tell me this before you almost tore up my coat?" Jaskier couldn't believe it.
"Yes, because you very often do things before you use your brain.." Geralt threw Roach's bridle into Jaskier's arms. The bard got surprised and almost didn't catch it.
"Hold it properly." Geralt commanded him.
"But.. I don't want to be alone with that horse.. you know he always wants to bite me." the bard started protesting.
"Then try to be friends." the witcher petted Jaskier's arm and then went to the woman looking like a Shaman.
Jaskier murmured something under his nose.

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