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RINDE - Redania

They both entered into the mayor room. Beau was shouting at someone but Yennefer recognized her. It was Abigail. After couple of minutes the conversation between them ended. Abigail turned to leave. She was going around Geralt and Yennefer.
"My dear colleague." Yennefer said sarcastically. Abigail looked at her but she didn't say anything and she left from the room. Geralt looked confused at Yennefer.
"Come Geralt." Yennefer commanded him and she went towards Beau. Geralt followed her.

"Finally! I thought I will get old soon.." Beau said angrily.
"I don't think so.. you'll first drunk yourself to the death." she smirked. "And do not tell me I'm late. I'll come when I want to." Yennefer was strict.
Geralt was standing there in quiet, he didn't like these types of conversations.
"Yennefer do not upset me. I almost kicked out Abigail. Do not make me to kick you out too." Beau was serious. Then he looked at Geralt.
"You! What did your performance mean in the street? Witcher, this is my town and I won't suffer here any vandalism!" Beau raised his voice. Geralt didn't answered. Beau narrowed his eyes on him.
"You won't say anything now? But when it was about her you embarrassed me before the whole town!" Beau pointed at Yennefer. "You should ended at cemetery for what have you done and you'll if this will repeat again." Beau was filled with anger.
"I meant all my words which I said to you." Geralt was honest.
"Are you threatening me?" Beau stood up from his chair.
"Undoubtedly." the witcher said calmly.
"You.. you scoundrel! You should be glad that I didn't throw you to the sewers already!" Beau was shouting at him but Geralt didn't care about it. So many people has already shouted worse words at him. Those were lovely to listening.

"Enough! My head will explode if you both won't stop talking!" Yennefer interrupted them. Then she looked at the mayor.
"Beau, we didn't come here to listen your bullshits. Nobody care about it. You need the witcher, then tell him for what." she gave him a death stare. Beau started to be terrified of her, so he rather sat down.
"And forgive yourself that sarcastic look please." Yennefer commanded him. Beau frowned and rolled his eyes. Geralt was again amazed by her power. Beau then looked at Geralt.
"Master witcher, I have a work for you. In the town's canal is a monster. Some my villagers have already died there. I want you to kill that awful monster." the mayor told him without emotions.
"No problem, but it won't be for free." Geralt was clear.
"Fine.. 200 coins." Beau smirked.
"270 or you can find another witcher." Geralt said calmly. Beau hesitated but when he saw Yennefer's look, he quickly changed his mind.
"What I won't do for my people.." mayor faked his smile.
"I need more information about that monster. Has someone seen her?" Geralt asked him.
"Everybody who saw her are already dead. So, you are alone in this." Beau was honest.
"Hmm.. I will go then. Yen?" he turned to Yennefer.
"I need to talk with her alone." the mayor interrupted him. Yennefer hesitated for a while. She came closer to Geralt and her eyes changed.
"Be careful Geralt." she said worriedly. Geralt noticed it. She's shown her vulnerability again but this time it was different because for the first time she's done in front of others. Even if she was trying to hide her real emotions before the people, sometimes she wasn't so good actress as she wanted to be. Geralt was proud that he was the reason of her distraction. He caressed her face and smiled at her. Then he left from the room.

Yennefer then sat down on the chair and she looked at Beau.
"You and that witcher? I wouldn't expect it.." Beau was surprised.
"I didn't come here to talk about my private life." she gave him angry look.
"Well.. I rather change the topic." he sighed. "I need you to save my cat, I would ask you this earlier but you were always busy.. obviously.." Beau smirked. She didn't answer on that sarcastic comment. In this moment she wanted to slap him for that but she was trying to control herself.
"Where is that cat carpet?" she faked her smile.
"In the corner." Beau pointed there.

Geralt was staring at the edge of the gate. It was one of the entrance to the local sewers. He was looking for some clues. He already visited inn because he needed information about the monster before the fight and the local inn was the best place where to find them. From the rumors which he heard he figured out that the monster was big and she had a wings. He supposed it could be Basilisk because he likes dark places.
After couple of minutes of searching he found scratches from claws at the ground but he needed more clues. He needed to be sure what kind of monster it was because he wanted to use elixirs before the fight or put oil on his silver sword. He then entered into sewers. There were many corridors and the stink from the water was horrible. But the stink which he started feeling was different now. It was stink of dead bodies. Where are dead bodies, there are usually monsters. He followed that stink.
After couple of minutes he found the dead body. He started analyzing the man's death. He found many wounds from small teeth. Drowners. They are always in the sewers. He should have be prepared. Drowners could jump on him from anywhere. Geralt continued on his way. He found another dead body. But this time the wounds were from different monster. In the one wound he found Venom, one of the strongest known toxins. He was sure now. It was Basilisk.

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