Friend or Foe

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"Look at all the food!" Jij-i yelled with excitement as she walked into the room her manager following behind her telling her to shush. She was wearing a black jeans and a yellow box t-shirt, her hair was down as she also wore a puma hoodie that was undone. There was food laid out on a long table with seats surrounding it, the food ranged from sweets to meat, causing Jij-i to drool slightly with how delicious it looked. "Seems like we arrived a bit early" her  manager mumbled checking his watch and slapping Jij-i's hand away from the food gently, "I'm hungry," She whined.

Before her manager could scold her, chatter could be heard out side the room before the door opened, allowing the room to fill with 7 very famous faces and of course the manager they saw early on during the day. The group seemed to grow quiet when the boys saw they weren't the first to arrive, while Jij-i's manager bow respectively.

"Good evening, it's with great pleasure both Ji and-" her manager stopped only to see Jij-i sliding a strawberry into her mouth slowly, "are you serious right now?!" He yelled as she tried to speak and chew "sorry, sorry!" He bowed to everyone in the room as the boys seemed to laugh slightly while her manager frowned annoyed. "Pleases forgive her rudeness" her manager asked for forgiveness as the boys all said it was fine.

"It's alright we were the ones late after all" the BTS's manager smiled while the boys all seemed to bow slightly. Jij-i swallowed her mouth full of food before bowing, "it is a pleasure to meet you all, my name is Yun Ji and i hope we will be able to get along" she spoke softly as the boys bowed back, "it's a pleasure to meet you as well, my name is Kim Namjoon also known as RM: and this is, Jung Ho-seok Kim Taehyung also known as V, Min Yoongi also known as Suga, Jeon Jungkook also known as just Jungkook, Kim Seok-jin aslo knows as Jin, Park Jimin also know as just as Jimin and that one over there is Jung Ho-seok also knows as J-hope but we just call him Hobi." Hobi waved happily, grinning as RM pointed to him causing Suga to elbow him in the side gently.

"As you can see the boys are thrilled you agreed to this meeting Yun Ji, now if you wouldn't mind me and your manager need to discus a few things so please take a seat" BTS's gestured to the table and chairs as the boys and Jij-i nodded taking their seats at the table. Jij-i found herself in between both RM and Suga even tho Hobi was beside her first only to be pushed aside by Suga.
As the managers left the room fell with silence causing everyone to look around awkwardly.

Jij-i went over the boys names in her head again, matching them with the faces before speaking up, "guessing talking to females who aren't your fans isn't your thing." She laughed as the boys looked at each other, RM coughed "call us star struck" he laughed softly speaking in english as she smiled.

"Oh I forgot one of you spoke English" she spoke clearly and smoothly as the boys all stared at her. Jij-i was also fluent in English because of her dad who was raised in Australia and learned English fluently as well, her English was extremely good thanks to him teaching her at a young age and this seemed to even shock RM. Jij-i doesn't speak much English in public so not many notice besides from her songs.
"Sorry didn't mean to be rude" she bowed her head saying a quick thank you before stuffing her mouth full of food. The boys all seemed to smile while they joined her with eating.


"That's amazing" V spoke as the others all laughed, it didn't take long for all of them to come out of their shells and talk, well most of them, Suga and Jungkook who would crack a smile every now and then, but just sit quietly. "I did a cover of one of your songs long ago, aw man that was embarrassing" Jij-i smiled laughing happily while Hobi perked up "AMAZING! We would like to hear you sing it."

"You idiot you literally listen to it on the way here" Jin corrected him while Hobi pouted, "it was a bad recording."

"Haha sorry about that, my brother took the recording as a joke" she smiled going to pick up another piece meat, only to hit chopsticks with Suga. They looked at each other as the other boys chatted happily mocking Hobi, Suga mumbled a sorry pulling his chopsticks away and looking else where. Jij-i just smiled before picking up the meat and placing it on his plate, "all good."

Suga looked at her again while her attention turned to V as he told a joke causing her to laugh. "No fair you gotta feed all of us then Ji" Hobi said in a joking way stealing the meat off of Suga's plate only to have Suga jab him in the side, knocking Jij-i into RM as he caught her in his arms. "Ay be careful!" Jin scolded the two of them as Jij-i laughed, "it's okay don't worry." Jij-i smiled happily sitting back up again while Hobi and Suga apologized.

"A bit of rough housing never hurt anyone" she reassured Jin while RM rubbed the back of his neck feeling slightly embarrassed by the sudden embrace. Jungkook quickly whisper into Vs ear as he nodded taking Jungkook's food onto hers, "oh you don't need to do that you guys it's fine." She continued to laugh only to have a snort slip out as she covered her mouth quickly.

The boys all stared at her before Jimin spoke up "that was cute" he laughed softly as she covered her whole face embarrassed while all the boys awwed.

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