Helping Hand

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Yoongi coughed softly clearing his throat, "these are pretty good" he spoke breaking the silence as she pulled her hands away. "You're just saying that" she laughed as he opened the book again. He continued to read sitting down in her chair as she watched him patiently with a tensed shoulders scared of him reading her unpublished lyrics.

"Not like your usually stuff, but these are really good, especially this one," Yoongi showed her the page of lyrics Ji wrote during her first crush, "really?" She asked in disbelief as she looked over the lyrics humming the tune to herself she had be working on before to see if it match the lyrics. "Can I listen?" He gestures to her head set as if to ask to listen. She nodded leaning on her desk as he put the headphones on, while she pressed play on the melody she has put together. He sat quickly listening as he tapped his his foot on the ground, Ji waiting in suspense as she watched him closely for his reaction. Jij-i stuff never got very deep and meaningful even tho people still found a way to relate to her music.

"This would go great with these lyrics," Yoongi removed the head phones while picking up the book flicking to the page with the lyrics he said he liked before. "The way the melody would work with these lyrics, would help people understand where the songs coming from which is obviously here" he pointed to Ji's chest as she stared at him. She broke the stare looking at the lyrics again, "you really think people would like this I just always thought..." she paused scratching the back of her neck. Yoongi stood up placing his hand her shoulder, "when we have spare time we can work on the song together" he gave a small smile as she her face started to brighten up.

"I would love for you along with the other members of BTS to feature in the song" she glowed as she spoke causing Yoongi to blush slightly while looking away "sounds like a plan." Ji grabbed his hands smiling happily while thanking him over and over, the thanks came to a stop when they both turned to the door to here shuffling and whispering causing Ji to tilt her head. Ji let go of Yoongi's hands and walked over to  the door opening it to only have RM and Jin come tumbling in.

"What are you two doing?" Yoongi asked as the two boys stumbled to their feet, "we just thought we should... well..." RM looked to Jin for help. "...should make sire you're not taking advantage of Ji!" He explained pointing at Ji while she laughed softly, Yoongi blushed as he grabbed both of them dragging them out of the room leaving Ji smiling at the three of them.


Ji finished her shower as well as putting on her clothes for the day before standing in the mirror to see how she looked. She wore a baggy yellow t-shirt along with a pair of skinny black jeans to match, she place on a few rings she really liked only with some small small gold studs in her ears. She brushed her hair only to pout and put a black beanie on heading out of her bathroom and bedroom, into the hallway. She made her way down the hallway to the living room to see RM flicking through his phone quickly putting it away when seeing Ji. "Morning RM, Where are the others?"

"Oh ah, your manager us trying to find clothes for them to wear and you can call me Namjoon, and if its okay I can call you Ji?" He gave a small smile, his dimples lighting up the room while Ji sat down on the couch beside him. "You can haha, seems like you fit my managers clothes well" she point to Namjoon wearing a button up grey shirt only with some black dress pants. He sat up straight while smiling before striking a pose "could also say I'm handsome" he spoke in English as Ji laughed hitting his shoulder gently "cocky much" she spoke back as he laughed as well trying to act hurt.

"Acting very chummy much" Yoongi leaned over the back of the couch in between the two of them causing Namjoon to pout. "Finally found something that fits me, Yoongi on the other hand not so much" Jin pointed to Yoongi whose white dress shirt and blue pants that seemed to swim on him a bit while Jin's black dress shirt and pants fitted well much like Namjoons.

"We got a photo shoot in 10 mins lets go" Ji's manager came rushing into the living room grabbing Ji's bag heading to the door. "Your manager will be here to pick you guys up in an hour, let's go Ji!" He yelled back heading out the door. "Well it was great seeing you three," Ji smiled standing up quickly while running out the door after her manager hearing the boys shout goodbye to her


It was now 5 pm and Ji found herself down at the dance studio, that is used by most K-pop stars, she was working on some of her stage dancers to perfect some of her moves only to pause, turning off the music. She sighed loudly laying down on the ground closing her eyes humming softly the tune of the melody she had produced this morning.

"Dance studios are for dancing not sleeping," Ji opened her eyes to see  J-hope standing over her smiling happily, "J-hope?" Ji asked sitting up and looking at him confused. "Please just call me Hobi! We're friends after all" he sat on the ground in front of her, "so why are you here Hobi" Ji smiled giggling softly.

"I came down to see how good your moves were" he said moving his arms around causing Ji to laugh, "can I join you?" He asked taking Ji's hands and standing up with her.
"Oh I'm probably not as good as you tho" Ji laughed nervously while he shook his head, "nonsense, come on!" He smiled happily turning on the music again.


Ji and Hobi laughed happily together as they danced along with each other not realizing it was now 7:47 pm. "See I told you, you can dance" Hobi smiled hugging her and spinning her around while she laughed. The laughter came to an end when a cough caused them to turn to the door of the studio to see Jin staring at them with his arms folded. "Do you know what time it is" Jin said as Hobi put Ji down as the both of them bowed. "Sorry Jin I lost track of time," he apologized while Ji continued to bow saying sorry over and over. Jin shook his head at Hobi before looking at Jin "its also very late for you to be out Ji."

"We can take her back to her dorm!" Hobi smiled happily only to have Jin roll his eyes at him, "yeah sure if you want people to start rumors" Jin shut down Hobi's idea causing him to pout. "But we can wait till her manager arrives okay," Jin smiled at Ji as she smiled back before looking at her watch, "he should be here soon hopefully, sorry again for distracting Hobi." Ji bowed again while Hobi grinned "you can distract me anytime" he cupped his face winking while Jin rolled his eyes once again.

"Aren't you a cutie" Ji pinched Hobi's cheeks while he pouted "as long as I'm the handsome one" Jin winked before blushing slightly while Ji laughed.

The three of them chatted happily together before Ji's manager showed up to take her home. Ji said her goodbyes to Jin and Hobi while Hobi gave her a hug goodbye which made Ji laugh at how cute he was.

As Ji and her manager left the building and entered the car Ji sighed softly looking at her manager. "What?" He asked looking at his work phone going through tomorrows planner. "Do you think no bad will come from this collaboration?" Ji asked her manager looking out the window of the limo, she fiddled with a strand of hair waiting for him to respond.
"Knowing you, if some rumor was to start you would of course have something to say about it." He answered turning his phone off, he wasn't wrong, Ji never keeps anything from her fans so as soon as a rumor starts she shuts it down before big hit can even get a say on it. She's had a few run ins with rumors being said that she was dating people when in reality she's never been in a relationship.

"I just don't know" she mumbled rubbing her temples on her forehead. "What was that?" He asked looking at her.

"Nothing don't worry."

I Can Be Your Hero {Jooheon Love Story}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin