Midnight Melody

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Jij-i found herself laying in bed staring at the ceiling in the dark, shoe couldn't sleep. She had a sudden spark of inspiration for a new song which often happened when she tried to sleep, much to her hatred. she sat up with a small sigh grabbing her phone to check the time.

"3:47 am..." she groaned softly as she kicked her bed sheets off and put on her slippers that sat beside her bed. She stretched her arms walking over to her door opening it slowly and quietly to insure not to wake anyone, especially her manager. She closed her door behind her walking down the hallway in the dark towards her studio room where she writes and comes up with new music.
Every step she took was gently and quiet as she opened the door to her studio quickly turning the lights on and closing the door before the light could seep out the room.

She turned away from the door smiling as she tiptoed over to her desk making sure her headphones were plugged in before putting them on. She picked up her note pad and purple pen before finally putting ink on the page.
After about and hour and a half Jij-i found herself at a dead end with a sound but no good lyrics to much, for some reason the melody seemed different from her usually stuff. More deeper then her main stuff is how she would have described it, she removed her headphones placing them on her keyboard as she sunk back into her chair groaning.

She looked around the room, tapping her index finger on the desk, her eyes landing on a small brown diary causing her to hesitate before grabbing. "Hello you old fart," she mumbled holding it in both her hands sitting up straight in her chair again. This dairy was fill with a lot of emotional lyrics she thought wouldn't be best to share with anyone because they just seemed to personal to express. Stuff about falling in love for the first time, fights, unhappy thoughts, things that just didn't seem all that important to her. She mumbled to herself finally opening the book slowly flicking through the pages, getting lost in thought not even realizing the door opening and closing behind her.

"Couldn't sleep?"

Jij-i dropped the dairy standing straight up from her chair letting out a gasp of fright, she turned to see who it was standing a few feet away from her. "You scared the crap out of me Suga" she took in a deep breath holding her chest as he walked over picking up the book, he was wearing a blue sweater that most likely belonged to her manager along with some black trousers and white socks. His hair was all a mess, most likely from just waking up.
"Sorry, you can call me Yoongi if you want" he gave one of his straight lip pout looks as he started flicking through the pages stopping to read it while Jij-i continued to catch her breath. "I guess you can call me Ji then Yoongi" she laughed softly looking at what he was doing quickly closing it in his hands.
Ji's hands cupped Yoongi's as they held the diary closed, Ji's looked at him as he stared back at her as silence filled the room.

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