An Old Friend

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"Are you ready to record?" Yoongi interrupted Ji and Namjoons deep conversation as he turned in his chair to face the two. "Yes" Ji nodded smiling at him while he handed her a piece of paper with the lyrics just to help before he gestured to her to enter the booth.
Ji entered the booth walking up to the microphone and headset, quickly placing the headset on. "You're going to be singing the rap part first then singing the main part after okay so just let me know when your ready" Yoongi spoke through the sound system to her as she held up a thumbs up to indicated she was ready for the rap verse she had been practicing for the two days. Yoongi nodded pressing play on the music whiel Namjoon, V and Jimin watched her through the glass.

Ji did a brief glance over of the lyrics on the page waiting for when she would start, she tapped her foot slightly before finally rapping her heart out. The boys watched nodding their heads to the beat while Yoongi smiled slightly. After her rap verse was finished Yoongi pause the music before pressing the button to speak to her, "good" he said bluntly while the other three cheered her on waving and whistling to her through the glass, "can we run through it again I feel I can do better." She asked as Yoongi nodded playing it again for her to do a second take.

After a few takes Jij-i was finally happy with her rap verse. "Amazing!" Hobi cheered her on through the glass while Yoongi pressed the button to speak to her. "When you're ready will do the chorus" he nodded to her while speaking, she gave him another thumbs up as he pressed play.

"Sorry we took so long" Jin whispered after opening the door to the recording studio bowing along with Jungkook quickly closing the door behind them as they joined the other four boys in listening to Ji. As she started to sing her voice seemed to harmonize with the melody perfectly causing the boys to listen in aww. Ji preferred rapping to singing but her voice was always amazing at both since day 1.

"Her voice is perfect" Yoongi mumbled as Namjoon snickered at his comment,"just a little star struck there?" Jimin said pinching Yoongi's cheek. Yoongi huffed at Jimin smacking his hand away, Yoongi paused the music as Ji had finish. "That was perfect!" Namjoon said holding the button to talk to her, she smiled faintly "should I try again?"

"No that take was fine" Yoongi reassured her as he turned off the button that aloud her to hear them, "fine? It was beautiful" Namjoon corrected Yoongi while fiddling with the sound levels. Ji removed the headphones only to hear her phone beep in her back pocket.
She slowly made her way out of the booth while pulling it out to see she had received an email.

Hello Ji!

I've recently have returned from my trip with the rest of the group, we need to meet up soon! Let me know when free.

- Jooheon

Ji smile seem to grow as her face lit up brightly while she emailed back.

Will meet after my recording, will tell you more when we meet.

I'll meet you at the usual place ☆

- Jij-i ♡

While Ji was typing she didn't happen to notice V peeking over her shoulder, "Jooheon?" He asked causing Ji to jump looking at V.

"You scared me V..." she quickly put her phone away as he chuckled, "just call me Taehyung" she nodded slowly before whispering. "Please ignore what you saw we are just really good friends."

"Dating will get you in trouble" he whispered back as she shook her head, "we aren't dating he is my friend." She told him, which was very much true, Jooheon, Lee Jooheon was very much a close friend of Ji's ever since they met back in 2015 when he debated. They always told each other everything and this friendship was very much kept secret from the public eye because of how close they were.
"Don't worry your secret is safe with me" he reassured her as they both turned their attention to the rest of the group while they looked at them curious.


Ji let out a loud grown as she sat herself in the car with her manager who was telling the driver to head back to the dorms. "No I need to go to the store!" Ji spoke up loudly grabbing her managers attention as he nodded telling the driver of the location they wanted to be taken. Of course this was code for her to be taken to  the secret location of a car that she would use to go to see Jooheon in their secret meeting place. Once the driver arrived at the place both Ji and her manager exited the car heading a few blocks down to were an underground parking place was, after finally finding the car both of them hoped in, he manager taking the drivers side.

"Been a while since you've seen him" her manager noted as he turned the car on, "the group just got back, and I wanted to tell him about the collab" she smiled happily while her manager drove out of the parking lot. While in the car Ji pulled a face mask, a hat and glasses out of the glove compartment quickly putting them on and tying her hair up into a bun putting the hat on to cover her hair along with the glasses and mask. She pulled her hoodie over her head as well, before turning to look out the window, "its dark so no one should be snooping around the apartments." Her manager told her as they pulled into another underground parking bay, "ring me when you want to be picked up okay?" He told her as she nodded her face completely covered. She quickly exit the vehicle closing the door before heading over to the elevators getting in one quickly.

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