Not My Style

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It didn't take long for them all to find out that they got along, Jij-i was always good at making friends even without trying. As the food all disappeared, Jij-i's manager, along with BTS's returned to the room. "Everyone getting along well?" Their manger asked while Jij-i stood up walking over to hers. The boys all nodded happily while she did the same, "we went over a few things and BTS has provided you with the song they want to preform with you." Her manager held up a thumb drive along with paper which she presumed it had lyrics on it, "wait... the songs already been written?"

Her happy emotions suddenly became concerned and almost hurt, "Big Hit and I had the boys prepare the song to make things more-"

"No" Jij-i cut off the manager causing the boys to stare in her direction, the song was probably great but, a collaboration is to have input and creativity from both parties not just one. Big Hit new damn well how Jij-i feels about things like this, music is very serious to her and she doesn't take lightly to being told what she has to sing. "I'm sorry, please don't take it personally, but I don't want any part of this deal is I am to just sing anything." Her words were firm as she bowed to both BTS and their manager, "Please reconsi-"

"No" she blurted out again before saying goodbye and leaving. She new what she was doing was childish but, she didn't work her way up to where she was just to be told to sing someones song because it requires her voice.

Her manager followed after her, holding the paper and USB in hand, "Big Hits won't be happy" he muttered knowing damn well that Jij-i would do this. Hes been with her from the very start and knows how she feels and acts about everything, "at least listen to the song," he asked her as she sighed folding her arms.



Its been 3 days now since the meeting with BTS and Jij-i found herself listening to the song only to take it to her studio and change it. The song was okay but she found herself with a creative spark after hearing it, some parts here and there could be changed and some lyrics as well. The song was about being famous and she found herself relating to it more and more every time she listen to it but she decided to make a Jij-i change to it.

"Done" She yelled running out into her living room with the USB in hand, her manager looked at her as he sipped his coffee, "great, now go shower you smell" he grumbled standing up and taking the USB while placing his coffee down.

"You changing it would upset them."

"The beats and meaning is the same, but now it not only comes from their hearts but also mine, doesn't matter they won't hear it anyway." She smiled happily turning on her heels heading to the shower.


It was only 8 pm as Jij-i was sitting on the floor in her pjs watching the news while her manger painted her nails for her, she yawned softly, "hey what you did you do with the USB Oppa?" She asked turning the news down and looking at him wanting to put it in her studio.

"Sent it to BTS."

"Oh oka- YOU WHAT?" she yelled at him in shock, "stop yelling" He asked will a mellowed toned voice as he finished her nails blowing on them, "I already turned them down, to send them there own song changed is just an insult!"

She cried out in shame only to be interrupted by the door bell to her dorm ringing, she went quick and looked at her Oppa as he got up and headed towards the door. "Who could that be?" She asked containing to blow on her nails since he Oppa was busy answering the door. When she turned to look at the door again she saw RM, Jin and Suga being let in by her manager.

She froze realizing she was in her yellow matching bunny pattern PJs along with her hair tied up in a messy bun and her face all red from a previous face masked she had just done 20 minutes before hand,

"crap." She mumbled knowing she was probably in for it.

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