Chapter 2

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-Peeta's POV-

I'm casually walking through the meadow. There are houses backing onto the meadow, huge ones in fact. I'm waking with Cato, Gale, Glimmer and Delly. There are gates on the end of each garden. I look through all of them to see children playing on swing sets and slides. I look into this garden but the'res apple trees and the grass is full of daisys. There's a girl sitting there picking at the daisy petals as she mumbles something.

We see a man walk out, it's Haymitch Abernathy. I know him quite well, my parents are quite friendly with him. He walks over and sits next to her as she continues to pick daisys and not saying anything. He sighs and gets up, he sees us and walks over to the gate.

"Hey Peeta! How's your parents? I haven't seen them in a while"

"Hey Haymitch. They're fine, they've just been busy with the bakery" I reply.

"Ahh" he nods.

He looks back over to the girl as he sighs. "Who's that?" we ask.

"My niece, she's in your year" he nods to us. "You might not know her though, she likes to keep herself to herself now" he sighs. "Anyway, do you want to come in for a drink, sandwhichs or anything?"

"Uhh" I say looking to the others who nod. "Sure" I shrug.

He opens the gate and lets us step in. We walk in and wait for him to close the gate and lead us.

"Kat come on in, we have visitors!" Haymitch calls from the kitchen then comes at sit's with us at the table after handing us hot drinks.

"What could possibly be more exciting than visitors" she says sarcastially as she walks into the kitchen and makes herself a hot drink. "Can't I just sit outside like I've been doing for the past seven years?" she whines.

"No, we have visitors. You're staying" he says. She groans and walks over. When she sees us she freezes.

"Katniss Everdeen, right?" Cato asks.

She nods slowly before putting her cup on the table and running back outside.

"Sorry about her, she doesn't really like new people" he says. "I feel sorry for her really, she's the only one of her family left.."

"What happened to them?" I ask.

"They died in a plane crash seven years ago, she's lived with me ever since, she's never been the same since then. She used to be a happy, she always used to talk and skip around, socialise but now the only time she leaves the house is to go to school. She just sits out the garden picking daisys, she never has friends over. She only just talks to me"

"Poor girl" Glimmer and Delly say.

"Yeah, can we go and see her?" we ask.

"Sure, but don't be offended if she doesn't talk to you" Haymitch mumbles.

-Katniss' POV-

I can't fucking believe him! Inviting Peeta and his friends over, is he mental?!

I hear noises so I turn my head to see them walking I've to me. Crap. I quickly go back to my daisy. I decide to make a daisy chain instead.

"Hey Katniss" Glimmer and Delly greet. I don't answer, in continue to make daisy chains. They come and sit near me, where the grass is bare from daisys.

"He doesn't love me, he doesn't love me, he doesn't love me, he doesn't love me" I repeat, mumbling so they can't hear what I'm saying.

"Katniss try to talk to them" Haymitch says as he sits next to me.

"No! If they found out what I was like they'd probably run!" I exclaim.

"They do Katniss, hey want to talk to you"

"Wait, how the fuck to the know?!" I exclaim. "You told them didn't you!" I point in his face as I slap him on the arm, really hard before getting up and running up to my room.

After a little bit someone comes in. "Go away" I groan.

"Katniss we just want to talk to you" Peeta says. Oh his voice is beautiful.

They all come and sit on my bed. "Are you reading any books?" Cato asks as he looks around my room and sees the bookshelf filled with books.

"Not at the moment" I mumble.

"What's your friends' names?" Peeta asks.

"Johanna, Annie, Finnick, Madge, clove and Marvel"

"Are they good friends to you?" Glimmer asks.

I nod. They continue to ask questions until they have to leave.

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not // Everlark Where stories live. Discover now