Chapter 23

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-Peeta's POV-

I'm working at the bakery today. I hear the bell ring, indicating someone has entered. I look up to see Haymitch and his girlfriend.

"Hey Haymitch" I greet.

My brothers come out to put more food out in the display cases. They see Haymitch and stay at the counter to speak to him. "Hey Haymitch" they say.

The bell rings again and there's laughter. I look to see Katniss, Jay and Niamh. Katniss sees me and hands Niamh to Jay. "Peeta!" She exclaims and runs over and jumps on me as she hugs me.

"Hey Katniss" I chuckle as I hug her back.

She jumps down from me and pulls me in for another hug as she rests her cheek on my chest. "You okay?" I ask.

Haymitch and the others have been served by my brothers and have left, knowing Katniss would want to stay.

She raised her head out of my chest and her eyes are red and she has tears traveling down the path that has been made down her face. I pick her up and sit her on the counter. "What's wrong?" I ask worriedly.

"I-it's the day my f-fam-family d-died" she stutters.

"Aye, shhh" I say as I pull her into a my arm as her head rests on my shoulders as she stays sitting on the counter. I feel the warmth of her tears seeping through my top as I rub her back lightly.

"It was twelve years ago" she sobs. "and I'm still not over it"

"No one would be Katniss, with something as bad as that no one would get over it. You've been so strong to keep going, most people would have given up a long time ago"

"It has gone over my mind a few times" she admits. "But they wouldn't want me to do that. They'd want me to carry on with my life and live it properly"

She keeps crying, my shoulder is now really wet but I don't say anything because she needs someone to comfort her and I doubt the ones she's living with even remember so she would just act like it's nothing and won't say anything.

"One second, I'll get one of my brothers to take over the counter" I say.

"No it's okay, you carry on working I'll go" she says weakly.

I stop her from getting down. "No Katniss, it's okay. You need someone to comfort you and I'll stay and comfort you because I doubt Haymitch and them even remember do they?"

She shakes her head. "No, they don't" she croaks. "But it's okay, I'll just take a walk in the meadow and I'll be fine" she smiles a fake smile.

"Katniss I know that's a fake smile and you're staying here" I say still holding her so she stays on the counter.

"Fine" she sighs.

I smile. "I'll ask one of my brothers now okay?" she nods. I lift her off the counter and she wraps her arms and legs around me as I hold her up with my arms under her legs. Her head is in the crook of my neck as I walk through the door to the house.

"Rye! Michael!" I call. They walk out from the living room and see me with Katniss' tiny frame in my embrace and smirk. "Can one of you cover the counter for a bit?"

They smirk. "Okay, have fun" they wink. Katniss lifts her head and looks at them. "You're the girl he was skyping not long ago!" they point.

"It's rude to point" she snaps. "And yes I was, problem with that?"

"No" they say. "Have fun with that one Peet, she's a fiesty one"

She shakes her head in disgust while muttering to herself.

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