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Theodora exited her tent sleepily and made her way to the hill overlooking Cair Paravel

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Theodora exited her tent sleepily and made her way to the hill overlooking Cair Paravel. She sat down on the damp grass and let a few tears fall. She heard footsteps approaching behind her and felt someone sit beside her. "How are you feeling?" Peter asked her softly.

"I'm fine. My sister betrayed me, my mother isn't speaking to me, and my father is a lion." Theodora snapped towards the boy. "What could possibly be wrong?"

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked."

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you. You have other things to worry about other than my problems. You'll be leading an army soon enough." Peter looked at her.

"I don't know if I'll be any good at leading an army." Peter admitted causing Theodora to look at him.

"Oh please. You're a natural born leader." Theodora scoffed. "And anyways, you're siblings look up to you. At least you have their support." Theodora sighed. "It used to be like that with my sister and then she becane obsessed with mutant rights and with Jadis' abilities. It was when she met Jadis that she changed."

"I couldn't imagine how that must've felt."

"Well, to put it simply, it was horrible." Theodora looked at Peter again. "Peter, you must promise me something."

"What's that?" He asked teasingly.

"You have to promise me you will rule ti the best of your ability. Once you sit on a throne in Cair Paravel, you are a king. You are one now." Theodora looked to the sea. "You must do whatever you need to. You are the king." Peter looked to Theodora, well more of a stare than a look, causing her to look back at him. "What?"

"Nothing." Peter shook his head. "You're just so beautiful." Theodora blushed as he leaned in closer. She allowed him to kiss her forgetting all that would happen to her that night and how it would affect him.


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Theodora cautiously made her way with Aslan past Lucy and Susan's tent

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Theodora cautiously made her way with Aslan past Lucy and Susan's tent. As they continued to make their way through the woods, Theodora looked behind her as a branch cracked. "Shouldn't you both be in bed?" Susan and Lucy stepped out from behind a tree.

"We couldn't sleep and we were worried about both of you." Lucy said softly frowning.

"Please, Aslan, couldn't we come with you?" Susan pleaded not even noticing the severity etched upon Theodora's face. Lucy's hand began to caress Aslan's soft fur.

"We would be glad of the company for a while." Theodora smiled softly allowing Lucy to take her hand. They walked silently together until a point when Theodora sighed heavily.

"It is time. From here, I must go on alone." Theodora gazed at Aslan who nodded in understanding.

"But, Theodora..." Susan and Lucy attempted to continue on with her.

"You have to trust me for it must be done." Theodora reached out to hig both sisters. "Thank you, Susan. Thank you, Lucy, and farewell." Theodora turned to Aslan tears welling in her eyes. "If you should see my sister, tell her I'm sorry."

Aslan nodded sympathetically before nuzzling into her side. "Goodbye, my daughter."

"Goodbye, father." She sniffed and wiped away a tear before Susan and Lucy saw before continuing on. Theodora made her way to the Stone Table quickly and somberly.

Theodora ventured calmly through the hordes of monsters loyal to the Witch. Theodora noticed Jadis approach the Stone Table with a knife in hand. "Behold, the Great Mutant." She taunted smiling softly almost sadistically. The monsters began to cheer again.

The Minotaur general who she still couldn't even slightly remember the name of approached her his axe. She slapped it away with a growl. The Minotaur turned back to Jadis with Alice by her side trying desperately not to cry. Jadis nodded, giving him all he needed to hit the girl with the axe sending her sprawled on the stone floor.

"You want some cookies?" Jadis' dwarf taunted the girl causing her to roll her eyes.

"Bind her." The Witch's minions began to bind her arms and legs with rope tightly causing her to cry out softly in pain. "Wait, let her hair first be cut." Theodora could only watch as the dwarf cur her hair. Long lengths of hair began to collect around her until the same dwarf gathered it up into his arms and presented it to his queen.

"Bring her to your queen." Alice ordered the minions who dragged Theodora up to the Stone Table to lay in front of Jadis and Alice. Jadis threw out her hand causing all the minions to silence themselves. Then, sticks began to bang onto the stone floor and the minions began to joyously cheer.

Jadis bent down to whisper to Theodora and tenderly touched her shoulder as a mother would with their child. "Now, Theodora, I'm a little disappointed in you. Did you honestly think that by all this that you could save the human traitor?" Alice let a tear knowing her sister's sacrifice was in vain. "You are giving me your life and saving no one." She humphed looking over at Alice. "Even your sister knows it. So much for love." She taunted slowly rising to her feet. "Tonight, the Deep Magic will be appeased! But, tomorrow, we will take Narnia forever!" Jadis declared looking to her minions. "In that knowledge, dispair," She raised the knife over her head. Theodora looked to her sister and then to where she knew where Susan, Lucy, and Aslan were hiding. Theodora closed her eyes thinking of those she loved. "And die!"

Jadis plunged the knife deep into her chest. Theodora let out a cry of pain before looking to her sister. Alice cried out and rushed to her sister as she died. Jadis looked coldly to her advisor. Alice held her sister's hand. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." Alice repeated over and over again. Theodora clutched her hand as she spoke three words.

"I forgive you." Alice let her tears fall freely as her sister drew her last breath.

Jadis looked down at the sight in front of her. "The Great Mutant is dead!" Ther minions excluding Alice began to cheer more vigorously than before. Alice began to sob into her sister's chest hoping that she would move or speak or anything. "General, prepare your troops for battle, however short it may be." Alice continued to sob and refused to leave her sister even after Jadis had left with all her minions. She didn't even leave when Susan, Lucy, and Aslan came from their hiding spot to mourn for Theodora. Alice was broken and there was no fixing her, not anymore.

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