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Theodora sat on the beach outside Cair Paravel as she peacefully observed the ocean waves

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Theodora sat on the beach outside Cair Paravel as she peacefully observed the ocean waves.She heard footsteps behind her and turned to see Peter. "Oh, great, it's you." She turned back around.

"Why are you so mad at me for? I thought I did the right thing and now you're angry with me." Peter sat down beside her.

"You broke a promise with the Duke and Duchess of the Salt Islands. You cannot agree to something and then back out regardless if the agreement is mutual." Theodora looked over at him. "You will never begin to comprehend the emotional pain you will put at least six people in."

"I know of both the dukes and duchesses from the Salt Islands will somehow be upset from all of this. What about the fifth and sixth?"

"My handmaiden, Daria, was quite enamoured with Duke Alexander. And..." Theodora silenced herself before she could make things worse.

"And what?"

"Me. You broke me when you said, and you broke me when you said you love another." Theodora wiped away a stray tear. "That's the problem with you, Peter. You don't care what the consequences of your actions are and you don't care about other people's feelings, my feelings." Theodora stood to leave, but Peter grapsed her wrist.

"When I said I loved another, you do realize I was talking about you?" Peter cupped her face with his hands.

"Oh, don't be ridiculous, Peter." She moved away from his touch.

"Don't you understand, Theodora? It was you, it's always been you." Peter reached forward to kiss his beloved and she reciprocated the kiss happily as he pulled her down on the sand with him.


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The sun was setting and the marriage of High King Peter and High Queen Theodora was just beginning

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The sun was setting and the marriage of High King Peter and High Queen Theodora was just beginning. Theodora stood just outside the door with Susan and Lucy in front of her preparing to throw flowers through the aisle. The two newlywed rulers were already inside the throne room with Edmund standing beside Peter and Alice officiating the royal wedding.

Theodora breathed heavily as she looked into the throne room to see almost every single person from Narnia present, but her handmaidens, who were recently engaged to Duke Alexander and Prince James, were not. She sighed at their absences knowing that they were both happy and in love. When Susan and Lucy both moved to either side of Theodora, she knew it was time.

Theodora, Susan, and Lucy all moved t  the door in unison. Susan used her hand to push it open guiding the bride to the aisle and towards Peter. Theodora's eyes began to fill with tears as she catches sight of him watching her.

Alice watched her sister with a fond smile as she walked down the aisle. She had always wanted this for her sister when they were young and now that many years had passed, her wish finally became true. Susan and Lucy handed Theodora over to Peter and Alice wiped away a stray tear.

From the distance, Maleficent and Aslan watched from a hill as their eldest daughter married the High King.


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Alice and Theodora stood on a balcont awaiting the return of their husbands and sisters in law from their hunt for the white stag

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Alice and Theodora stood on a balcont awaiting the return of their husbands and sisters in law from their hunt for the white stag. Theodora and Alice had wanted to go, however, a ruler or two had to stay in the palace to ensure that Narnia wouldn't be destroyed.

A knock sounded on Alice's bedroom door. "Come in." Alice called and who should walk in but Mr. Tumnus and Duchess Ophelia of the Salt Islands.

"We are sorry to disturb you, your Majesties, but I'm afraid we have urgent news." Mr. Tumnus looked at the sisters sadly.

"Well, speak, then, and tell us the news." Alice looked confused as to why they had interrupted.

"It's the other Queens and Kings. They haven't arrived back yet." Ophelia paced over to the window. "We sent out a search party."

"Yes. And?" Theodora raised a brow quizzically.

"They found their horses, but not them." Ophelia looked at the two in pity. A weight dropped into the pit of Theodora's stomach and her hand went to her forehead.

"So, they've just disappeared?" Alice snapped at the two messengers as tears sprung into her eyes.

"That's not all, Your Majesty." Mr. Tumnus looked nervously in between the two. "Telmarines have landed on the beach with formidable forces with intentions to take the Kings and Queens as prisoners." Theodora whipped around to look at her friend. "We've called your mother in to keep the both of you safe in a sleep like death in case the castle should fall."

Theodora nodded as she took in this new information. "Bring Maleficent to us to prepare us for this spell." Mr. Tumnus nodded and left the room. "Ophelia, tell your brother to rally the troops. We're going to war."

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