Chapter 26

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It was saturday the day after UA's Sports festival Izuku had gone and Celebrated with the Yaoyorozu family. Izuku woke up on an unfamiliar couch covered by a blanket then he realize the possibility he fell asleep on the couch. As his eyes began to adjust to the sunlight he felt something heavy on his chest as he lifted the blanket and saw Momo laying in his chest when she started to wake up they both looked into eachothers eyes. Izuku stared into her obsidian color eyes and she in return stared into his deep Purple rippled eyes. She had forgotten how mesmerizing they were since he uses a genjutsu to cover them the two were broken out of their trance when 6 flashes went off and caught their attention.

Ebina: Well Momo I had no idea you worked this fast to get Izuku's attention.

Takeshi: Im honestly surprised in you Momo but I approve.

Makoto: Well brother looks like you'll have a son in law soon

Minato: Well son you must not have been the only life he was able to infulence

Mikoto/Mizuzu: I wonder what their babies will look like!

The two teens were scrambling and had massive blushes Izuku fell off the couch and got on his hands and knees.

Izuku: Mr Yaoyorozu I swear I didn't touch your daughter! I only remember falling asleep honestly!

Takeshi: Hahaha it's alright you two fell asleep on the couch after the party. You were sitting next to each other when you fell asleep i put the blanket on you but you both must have found a comfortable sleeping position. Now lets have breakfast

Izuku got up and looked for his phone he saw missed messages and calls from Toshinori he decided to call him back.


Toshi: my boy where have you been? We've been trying to reach you all morning

Izuku: Sorry i was invited by the Yaoyorozu to celebrate i fell asleep here and I just woke up.

Toshi: that's alright my boy I was wondering if you'd come over for breakfast your mother made a huge spread so let us know when you're on the way.

Izuku: Alright I'll head over now.
(Call end)

Izuku walked towards the Yaoyorozu family who looked ready to head out.

Takeshi: Izuku get dressed please we're heading out to breakfast.

Izuku: Im sorry but something has come up and I must head home.

Ebina: Oh is everything alright?

Izuku: yes its just my ex-neighbors invited me over for breakfast to celebrate with them.

Takeshi: Its fine then please enjoy yourself. How about you join us for Lunch if possible?

Izuku: Yes thats perfect please tell Momo im sorry for leaving.

Izuku got ready and left the moment he stepped outside he saw his Motorcycle parked and remembered he drove over here. Once in his protective gear he drove off to see Inko and Toshinori 20 minutes later he parked and texted Toshinori that he had arrived.

After parking outside the apartment complex he once stayed at he texted Toshinori he was outside. As he went up to the apartment he was greeted with a hugs and affection to him he felt out of place.

Everyone was there Toshinori, Inko and Sorahiko but the tension in the air was uncomfortable nobody knew how to start the conversation. In Izuku's mind he felt more at home with the Yaoyorozu family breakfast finished but not fast enough for Izuku before leaving he wanted to do something.

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