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Quiet, then...

"Ca-as?" A voice broke the silence. A blurry face came out of the darkness looming over Castiel. The face was very masculine, with proportionate features, plump lips, and a dusting of freckles on its chiseled cheekbones, going down past his sharp jawline and neck. Castiel assumed they covered his entire body. The face broke into a semi crooked grin, which made the man's candy apple green eyes crinkle around the edges.

"Hey, buddy. You took quite the crash landing... you ok, Cas?"

Castiel's brow furrowed, "My name is Castiel."

The grin wavered, "Come on Cas, ya know I'm not one for formalities." Castiel pushed the man away and tried to sit up, then a burning pain filled his abdomen, he groaned and fell back down. "Woah, take it easy, pal... that cupid douchebag tried to carve you into a jack o' lantern." The man sat back on his feet, "What all do you remember, Cas?" Castiel struggled onto his side, blood dripping down his chin.

"I don't know what you're talking about. My name is Castiel, not "Cas", and I am an angel of the lord."

"I'm tellin' ya, Sam- It's like he doesn't remember anything," the man said into the phone- his forehead creased with worry, and... something else Castiel couldn't identify. Castiel was trying to heal his wound with his angelic abilities... The bleeding and soreness had stopped but an angry heart shaped scar remained.

"I don't know, Dean... It could have something to do with the cupid, let's get Rowena in on this- she might be able to do something to help," said a distorted voice over the phone.

Castiel recognized the voice. "Sam!" Castiel called out snatching the phone from Dean, "I tried to ice the cupid. But I think it escaped. I woke up in an empty warehouse with this... lumberjack... He seems like a hunter, but I don't recognize him."

The line went silent, then "Cas- is the lumberjack Dean?" Sam asked.

Castiel glanced at the scruffy looking man, "Are you a Dean?" Castiel asked with a face devoid of emotion- his head cocking to the left slightly.

Dean put his hands on his hips and exhaled sharply looking at the ground, "Ok, Cas-" Castiel gave Dean a sharp look, "-tiel. Let's get you back to the bunker."

Castiel glared slightly, "I don't take orders from strange braggarts whom I've just met." With the sound of flapping wings, Castiel was gone- leaving Dean standing alone in the dark.

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