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             "Hello, boys." A Scottish accent chimed from the front door of the bunker, Rowena waltzed in- giant handbag rumbling with magical items, her red hair cascaded over her shoulders, falling effortlessly on top of a shoulderless black gown which she wore with red knee high boots. Rowena made brief eye contact with Gabe and said, "Gabriel." With a tight-lipped smile. Gabriel smirked, the tips of his ears going slightly pink which for the archangel, Sam knew, was the equivalent of going beat red. "Hermione." Gabe replied, attempting a suave demeanor. Rowena hefted the bag onto the table with a loud thud. "Where is he? The poor thing." Sam gestured to the hallways, "Cas is in his room. Need any help?" Sam asked- always eager to help out Rowena with her magic. "Oh, Samuel, I should be fine. thank you, dear." Rowena said, patting Sam's broad shoulders before she swayed past him and walked towards Cas' room. "Even better from the back." Gabe says with a whistle, as he watches Rowena go. Sam's brow furrows, he feels jealous. Why do I feel jealous?! It's not like I... am attracted to Rowena... why does it bother me when Gabriel... "Yo, earth to moose?" Gabe says- waving his hands in Sam's face playfully, "what's goin' on in that weird brain of yours?" Gabe questions, as Sam scoffs and turns- clearly irritated. "Do you have to hit on everything that moves?" Sam demands, his voice louder than he would have liked it to be. Gabriel shrinks back, shocked, his eyes full of hurt- he bites his cheek and looks to the ground. "Didn't realize that it bothered you so much, Samwich." Gabe muttered. Sam's stomach drops, "what, no I- I don't care just. I don't care." Sam shuffles papers on the table into a file- his mannerism are sharp and irritated. The papers spill to the floor and Sam drops to pick them up- standing up hastily, his head coming into contact with something hard. Sam stumbles back and see's Gabriel clutching his nose, crimson liquid spilling over his hands. Crap. "Gabriel, god I'm so sorry." Sam said as he rushed over to the short angel. "Shib, Sammeh. Mosth pebole buy me dinneh furthst." Gabe mumbles- blood spilling down his chin onto his shirt. Sam grabs Kleenex and pats the blood off of Gabriel. Out of Sam's sight Gabriel smirks. "I think it's all gone- are you ok?" Sam looks back up into Gabe's eyes.

"Jesus, Sammy- do you have to hit everything that moves?"

You're to Blame: a Destiel and Sabriel FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now