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Who in heaven's name is Dean? Castiel thinks as he perches on the chair next to his bed. Cas picks at the hem of his bumblebee bed sheets as a memory resurfaces-

"You want what now?" Gabriel asked a young Castiel, who was chasing after the archangel in heaven's pristine hallways. "Gabe! Gabe! Slow down!" Castiel huffed, bent over, his chubby hands on his knobbly knees. "Yeah, sure thing Cassie." Gabriel said as he walked over to the younger angel. "What do you want?" Gabe asked kindly as he swooped Cas up onto his back, giving Castiel a piggyback ride. "Lucifer made the hornets so mean." Castiel whined as he played with Gabe's messy hair. "Sorry that bothered you," Gabriel chuckled, "what do you want me to do about that?" Castiel grinned- "make them nice!!! And big and fluffy and sweet!!!!" Cas giggled wildly. Gabriel smirked,"and what will you call this creature, my lord?" Castiel pondered then said, "a BABY!!!!" Gabe groaned, "we already got enough babies, Cassie." Castiel shrugged- then gasped, "a BUMBLE baby!!!!" Gabriel laughed out loud, "how about a bumbleBEE, Cassie?" Gabe asked as he removed Castiel from his back and set him in front of him- Cas had a grin from ear to ear, "bumblebee?" He asked

"Bumblebee." Gabriel confirmed with a smirk.

"Hey, Bro." Said a voice, dragging an adult Castiel back to reality. Castiel looked to find Gabe standing in the doorway of his bedroom, "Gabriel." Castiel said, turning towards his older brother. Gabriel walked in and sat on Cas' bed, noticing the pattern on the sheets, he smirked softly and muttered, "bumble babies." Then he looked up at Castiel's eyes, "do you really not know Dean?" Cas looked around, exasperated. "As I've already told Sam, no I don't know who Dean is." Gabriel held his hands up in surrender, "ok, easy there, Cassie. I believe you, that's why I'm here." Gabe chided. Cas' brow furrowed- "what do you mean?" Gabriel stood up from the bed. "I've seen this type of Cupid bull crap once before. I didn't want to embarrass you in front of Lorelai and Rory out there, because..." Gabriel stopped and rubbed his nose, looking at the ground. "Because, what?" Castiel asked.

"Because this curse- takes away the memory of whoever you love most."

You're to Blame: a Destiel and Sabriel FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now