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"Ok so, we got Rowena holding down the bunker. Cas and I'll go after the matchmaker. Sam, can you and Gabriel get the Myrte branch?" Dean asked- drawing a map of key locations and the spell ingredients list. Sam and Gabriel made eye contact, Sam smiled hesitantly which was followed by Gabriel glaring and looking away.

"Yea-ah we can do that," Sam stuttered, clearing his throat and glancing at the ground. Dean made an almost pouty expression,

"Everything ok wi-"

"Yeah we're great, Dean-o," Gabe interrupted- his face twisted into a scowl.

"Right, I'm sure it is." Dean scratched his head, Sam and the Trickster usually got along- something was definitely not right between the two of them. Dean turned to see Castiel gazing at him almost wistfully, Cas noticed Dean and looked away- blushing furiously.

"Boys, boys, boys," Rowena interjected, "Can we leave the drama in grade school please?" The boys agreed silently but all subconsciously knew that their promises were full of shit.

"Ok, we all got our assignments. Team..." Dean counts the numbers on his fingers, "Team Free Will 3.0!" Dean nods satisfied. The angels approached their respective person and laid two fingers on the others foreheads- with a flicker of the lights and a slight swoosh...

The four men were gone.

You're to Blame: a Destiel and Sabriel FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now