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"You can't kill me!" Gabe begged, "There'll be paperwork!" Daniel's beasts rolled their eyes,

"There will be no paperwork for the murder of a liar and a theif," they growled,

Gabriel whimpered softly, shuffling his feet, "But I'm an archangel..." Gabriel whined, his shoulders slouched.

"And that gives you some kind of pass? You were nothing to God- he valued the creation of earthworms over you, he wouldn't even bring you back from hell," Gabriel's eyes blazed with fury- a single tear rolled down his cheekbone, he swatted it away. "Face it, archangel Gabriel, you're nothing but an error, a flaw in the system," Sam glared at the beasts,

"Damn right, can't believe I didn't see it before," Gabe looked into Sam's technicolor eyes with hurt,

"Who could ever love you."


"Take him, kill him. Let me go with the branch." Sam said as he turned his back on Gabriel, Gabe grabbed at Sam's arm- Sam tried to pull it away but Gabriel had a steel grip,

"Sam, no! Please! Don't let them take me, you can't SAMMY PLEASE!"

Sam's face wrenched with pain, Gabriel was not preventing the tears he had held back anymore. Waves of tears rolled over him, snot running from his nose,

"I LOVE you!"

"Don't make this any harder, Gabriel."

Sam ripped his arm away and turned his back to Daniel's beasts,

"He's all yours," Sam's eyes met Gabriel's, duck he mouthed, and without hesitation Sam grabbed Gabriel's archangel blade and spared the beasts through their heart. They roared in pain- Gabriel ducked as they slashed out their claws and wings, Gabriel rolled out of a summersault as Sam was thrown into the myrtle tree.

"SAM!" Gabe cried out, Sam gave a feeble smile and waved before passing out. Gabriel turned to Daniel's horrid creatures,

"Only I can throw Sam Winchester around like a rag doll," Gabriel unfurled his golden wings- power radiating from his body like he was made of light- casting an eerie glow across every crevice of the garden, the four creatures shared an "oh shit" look. Gabriel cracked his neck, ready to attack,

"Rock and roll buckaroo," he smirked.

You're to Blame: a Destiel and Sabriel FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now