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"Come on, Bitches, we don't wanna be late," Dean called, popping his shirt collar.

The responses were as follows,

Sam: "JeRk!!!"

Cas: "I'm coming!'

Gabriel: "Screw you, Asshole! You can't rush perfection!"

Dean smirked to himself, getting ready to leave the bunker was like a circus, what with two angels and a freakishly tall human. The four men gathered around the map table slowly, Sam first, then Castiel, Then Gabriel (who looked like he just woke up).

"Why are we going to see a movie again?" Sam asked,

Dean linked his arm through Cas'

"Because Cas and I want to go on a date, and I don't trust you two alone in the bunker. Especially not after last time." Dean snickered, Sam blushed and Gabe laughed,

"Whaaaat? We only turned the bunker into a strip club?" Gabriel smirked, "Except that we were the strippers."

Cas' eyes widened,

"You did what, brother?!"

The other three men burst out laughing, they all walked out to the Impala. Gabriel swinging off of Sam's hand like a toddler holding dragging his mom through Disneyland.

They sat down in the theater, the trailers had just started. Dean was shoveling popcorn into his mouth, Cas hesitantly tried a kernel then spat it out almost immediately. Gabriel unzipped his large green jacket- it was stuffed with candy, he gingerly picked out a tootsie pop,

"Hey, Sammich- wanna Pixie Stix?" He asked, turning his large butterscotch eyes to Sam,

"Unless it's a salad I won't eat it," Sam huffed, ruffling Gabe's messy hair-

Gabriel smiled an alligator smile, and pulled out a gummy salad, Sam rolled his eyes and took it- nibbling at it gingerly.

Cas rested his hand on the armrest next to Dean- Dean grabbed it,

"You gotta commit, Angel," Dean smirked, Cas cocked his head but left his hand in Dean's tight grasp. The lights in the theater dimmed and the thrill of a B flat ran through the theater, The yellow Star Wars logo filled the large black screen. Dean let out a cheer of excitement and jumped up out of his seat, yanking Castiel up with him- people around them shushed them loudly. Cas and Dean sat slowly, Castiel's face a shade of tomato red.

Halfway through the movie, Gabriel looked up at Sam,

"You're the Leia to my Solo." Sam snickered and Dean made a loud retching noise- the theater shushed again. Cas looked at Dean in turn,

"You are the Kirk to my Spock." Dean didn't have the heart to tell him it was the wrong movie, but Sam did- leaning across Gabriel to tell him. Dean swatted his head.

The two couples sat through the movie- holding hands, and leaning heads on shoulders. It was a perfect, simple, and stupid moment that brought them all closer to the other. 


You're to Blame: a Destiel and Sabriel FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now