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"What the hell happened to you?" Rowena gawked at Dean, as the four men reappeared in the bunker. Gabriel and Sam were standing suspiciously close, Gabriel hastily tucking his golden wings back into his skin.

"It doesn't matter- we got the bow, didn't we?" Dean snapped as he snatched the hand out of Cas' grasp and slammed it on the table- releasing a burst of blood. Rowena blinked and wiped the splatter of crimson off her cheek.


"Jesus, did you go Pennywise on the little cupid's arm?" Gabe snarked, casting a smirk up at Sam- who smiled softly and looked to the ground, biting his lip. Castiel tried to meet Gabriel's eyes, but they were glued on Sam,

If anyone deserves love, It's Gabriel, Cas thought as he looked back towards Dean. Dean was staring at Rowena expectantly,

"Well? What are you waiting for- cast the damn spell!" Dean barked, Rowena squinted her eyes, annoyed,

"I forgive you for acting like a 14 year old girl with period cramps, but stop being a dobber." Rowena said with a voice that was as sickly sweet as honey, "Besides- I'm waiting on you, dear." Dean blinked,

"The last ingredient is your blood, my boy."

You're to Blame: a Destiel and Sabriel FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now