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Sam walked into the kitchen, he sniffed the scotch and wrinkled his nose in disgust- setting it down on the countertop.

"Wow, Sasquatch. Never took you for the scotch type," a singsong voice chimed from above. Sam tilted his head up to see a small man eating a bowl of cereal on top of the refrigerator- even with the abundance of chairs in the dining area. "You seem like much more of a dry white wine type to me," Gabriel said, shoving lucky charms into his mouth. Sam snorted and looked away.

"Don't you know what they put in those?" he said, turning around, and then jumped- Gabe had teleported right in front of Sam, who didn't like being too close to Gabriel. Even though Gabriel was much shorter than Sam, when they stood opposing each other, all Sam could look at was his face.

It wasn't that Gabe was bad looking, but his features overwhelmed Sam- in a way Sam couldn't figure out. An average sort of face, with an upturned nose and soft but defined features... But what took Sam Winchester aback every time was Gabe's eyes. Gabriel's eyes were a golden hue- not in the way a cheap plastic participation trophy with a dull metallic finish is called gold, they were more close to molten gold: warm and reflective- with deep hints of mahogany. Sam couldn't help but notice the quirk of wrinkles that occured when the trickster did his trademark grin.

"Gabriel, I thought we talked about this." Sam stammered, blushing.

"Right, right... 'Personal Space,'" Gabe said as he took a couple of steps back- his hands held in mock-surrender. "So- what's the scoop with Cassie?" Gabe asked as he pulled a lollipop out of his chest pocket, then unwrapping it and popping it into his mouth.

"Dude, you just had a bowl full of diabetes." Sam said with a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"You gonna tell me what's up with my little bro, or will I have to punish you?" Gabe taunted with a smirk- that made Sam turn beet red.

"Well uhm," Sam turned away rubbing his neck, "He seems to remember everything- but he doesn't know who Dean is."

Gabe whistled, "Talk about trouble in paradise. Aight- shall we call that sexy redhead?"

"Wh- uh, Rowena?" Sam questioned-

"Oh that's right, sorry- never got around to learning her name. We were too busy... studying, ya know- in the library." Gabriel chirped back at Sam as he sashayed out of the kitchen.

"Gabriel can you not?" Sam called out to the archangel. "Make me, big boy." Gabe calls back.

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