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Gabriel hated the garden. His father would always drag him there as he tried to create new forms of plant life- and what resulted was either flesh-eating or made you go insane over it's beauty. Chuck would go to work and Gabriel would have to stand and watch as his dad did anything but pay attention to him (honestly who needed 20,000 species of butterflies?) But something about the way Sam was mesmerized by the array of species and colors that was held inside the garden's walls made Gabriel wish that his dad had made more. Gabe took the lead, weaving in and out of trees trying to find the Myrtle tree, hearing Sam's breathy laughs behind him,

I should just TALK to him, Gabriel's inner monologue started-

No, I hate his GUTS, Dumbass, Gabriel chided himself, Stupid brain...

Gabriel stopped abruptly causing Sam to bump into him- sending chills down his spine. The two were in front of a squat tree with nimble branches supporting spade shaped emerald green leaves and ornate white flowers.

"Let's get that damn branch and get out of here," Gabe muttered, Sam looked shocked,

"How could you leave this place?"

"Easily, I zap our asses back to the bunker."

Gabriel reached out and snapped a thin twig off of the tree,

"Comeon' Alice," Gabe said with a spark of his old humor in his eye, "time to leave Wonderland," Sam looked upset at first then his eyes widened in shock at something over Gabriel's shoulder.

"That doesn't belong to you, little angel." Four familiar voices growled into Gabriel's ear, warm breath ruffled his hair, spittle splattered on the back of his neck...

"Raspberries," Gabriel cursed.

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